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Maternity & Postpartum Care

icon picker
Known Gaps

From Pratik, on Thur, 5/2/24:

For Dashboard, today we received v3 mock json from Stephanie. I will check on it.
Right now working on below Find Care Edit search US bug fixes. Yesterday, Prabhdeep added 8-9 bugs. I asked Nicole to get help as this has to go in the next Tuesday release.
Zainab from scheduling has filter out the priority bugs and there are now 5-6 bugs
Couple of days back I was confused about the mock data as was not sure the source to get it from. Then I had a call with Phill Olson and he shared web mock data which was updated. Based on his data I created mock for mobile for the components I was working.
Today, Stephanie shared V3 then I will crosscheck Dashboard with it.
Still I am not clear on the navigation part. Next thing I am going to check on it

From Jared, on Tue, 5/14/24:

After we finished the Maternity Enrollment form and it said, “All set” and we tapped “Go back to Dashboard” the app got stuck in a loading animation
User: Nestorfluuat
Platform: iOS
Spinning circle of death
Check with web and others to see if it’s reproducible

Fix onboarding screenshots showing old S&S landing page

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 2.59.11 PM.png

Fix center alignment on form completion page (last page of all forms).

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 9.08.08 AM.png
The icon, text, and button are not center aligned with the page.
Should be center aligned on page without having extra padding on the right side that the left.

Fix styling of icon selection form input control

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 9.47.08 AM.png
The colors are reversed, the lit up icon should be the selected one and the grayed out icons should be the ones that were not selected.

Devs and QA don’t have an easy way to know if form responses were captured and persisted correctly on the backend. How can we validate?

This is more of a dev-testing and QA question. As a dev or QA person trying to validate the form responses were captured, how do I do that? Is there a CMS portal I can login to to see the patient’s selections?

After enrolling in postpartum care, and then navigating to the web and clicking the deeplink again, it takes me to the enrollment form again where I can seemingly change my answers.

Patients should not be allowed to take the enrollment form more than once.
If they navigate to the form more than once, the system should already know that they’ve completed it and are already enrolled.

Tapping on Health Tips & Advice on the Discover page takes to a blank page with error

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 10.33.49 AM.png
Error is shown
Page is blank
Back arrow in top left corner doesn’t work (iOS)

Enrolled Programs tiles don’t appear on main dashboard until after logging out and back in, causes the user to not be able to get to the Postpartum care dashboard until after they log out and back in at least one time, or open up the website.

Enroll in postpartum care as a new patient
Navigate back to the main dashboard from the postpartum dashboard
Observe that the Enrolled Programs tiles don’t appear on the main dashboard that would have the Postpartum Care tile showing allowing the patient to navigate back to the postpartum dashboard
Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 10.44.42 AM.png
Observe that the Enrolled Programs menu item also doesn’t appear in the hamburger menu
Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 10.47.04 AM.png

Fix issue where after completing weekly check-in form on web, it navigates back to postpartum dashboard but enables users to tap the browser back arrow to restart the same weekly check-in form again from question #1.

The system should already know that the user completed their weekly check-in for the current week and should block them from submitting another one
The system should remove the weekly check-in form from the navigation back stack and prevent the user from navigating back using the browser back buttons to go restart the weekly check-in form. The browser back button should take them back to the main dashboard or whichever route they were on prior to coming to the postpartum dashboard.

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