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Feature Comparison

Features are available in Coda and/or Asana. (Data as of June, 2020)
Collaboration - How can users work together in the software?
Visualization - How can data be displayed to users of different types?
Integrations - How does the software connect to other 3rd party data I use?
Administration - How can I ensure controls are in place over my projects and tasks?
Coda and Asana Feature Comparison Matrix
Doc-like surface for writing (notes, meeting minutes, etc.)
Coda starts as a doc, like a Google Doc, so you can write long-form memos, planning documents, or other text-based content, and store that alongside your data.
Task-tracking capabilities
This is the core features of Asana. Coda accomplishes this with database tables that can easily hold any type of data - task, project, resource, team, etc.
This is a specific Asana feature You can do this in Coda by customizing a table - adding a 'sub-task' column, for instance, or even using Lookups to connect a task and a sub-task table together.
Custom Fields
Free in Coda - just a matter of adding another column to a table. It takes one second This requires an upgrade in Asana.
Collaborative surface (editing in real-time)
Customized attributes (dates, checklists, select-lists, and more)
Both products have richly formattable data types.
Mobile (iOS, Android)
Both products support mobile editing.
Desktop App
Neither product has a native desktop app.
Commenting / at-mentioning
Both products support hitting "@" and commenting at or notifying your colleagues.
Automations / workflow (i.e. send email update on regular cadence
Both apps support automations. In Asana it is a paid feature; in Coda the feature has a threshold on the free tier.
Buttons for app-like functionality
Asana has built-in buttons in its app, but does not allow users to customize buttons, for instance, click a button which automatically sends an email to a particular set of stakeholders.
Automations to schedule triggered updates
File uploads
Image uploads
Multiple languages
Per-user view
Both Coda and Asana have "My View" and "Team View". With Coda, this can be added using the 'User()' filter, which filters a table or view to the currently logged in person, so it's dynamic depending on who is looking at it.
Gantt View
Calendar View
Kanban View
Additional chart view (bar, graph, line, bubble, pie)
Animations when tasks complete (flying unicorn).
While it is possible to set up something like this in Coda, it requires customization and is not built-in.
Both products enable dependency tracking, but in Coda it requires a bit more customization, using the Lookup feature in a table. Coda has pre-built templates which enable this as well.
Gmail integration
Slack integration
Figma integration
Intercom integration
Google Calendar integration
GitHub Integration
API for other 3rd party integrations
Zapier for connection to 3rd parties without code
Alerts - within projects, or across projects
Permissions - Lock down editing to specific users
Workspace administration - invite users at the org level
Free plans
Both products support free plans to get started. Coda's free plan features many more of its core features than does Asana's

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