audio compression
compare compression of WAV and MP3 audio formats
audio quality
compare quality of WAV and MP3 audio formats
audio file-size
compare file-size of WAV and MP3 audio formats
graphic compression
JPEG, GIF, PNG, bitmap
compare compression in JPEG, GIF and PNG bitmap graphic formats
graphic animation
compare animation in JPEG, GIF and PNG bitmap graphic formats
graphic transparency
compare transparency in JPEG, GIF and PNG bitmap graphic formats
graphic colour depth
compare colour-depth in JPEG, GIF and PNG bitmap graphic formats
audio resolution, image resolution
describe how resolution affects file size and quality in images
image colour depth
describe how colour-depth affects file size and quality for images
image sampling, audio sampling
describe how sampling rate affects file size and quality for audio
describe why file compression is needed
copyright and businesses
copyright designs and patents act
describe how businesses are affected by Copyright Act regarding media on websites
copyright and individuals
copyright designs and patents act
describe how individuals are affected by Copyright Act regarding media on websites