data type
integer, real
use INTEGER and REAL data types for numbers
use STRING and CHARACTER data types for text
use BOOLEAN data type
single value variable
use single value VARIABLEs as data structure
1-D array
use 1-D ARRAYS as data structure
write code to ASSIGN a value
arithmetic calculation
result value, add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponent
write code to carry out a CALCULATION and RETURN a value using (add, subtract, multiply, divide, exponent)
write code to CONCATENATE strings
simple condition
write code with simple conditions to make a SELECTION construct (IF)
complex condition
write code with complex conditions to make a selection construct (IF)
comparison operator
inequality comparator
use >, <, >=, <= = and ≠ comparison operators to write code for a CONDITION
logical operator
use logical operators AND, OR, NOT to make a complex condition
fixed loop
loop counter
write code to make a FIXED LOOP
conditional loop
while, until
write code to make a CONDITIONAL LOOP
predefined function, parameter
using the ROUND function, with parameters, to calculate a result
predefined function, parameter
using the RANDOM function, with parameters, to calculate a result
predefined function, parameter
using the LENGTH function, with parameters, to calculate a result
input validation
standard algorithm
write an INPUT VALIDATION standard algorithm
running total
standard algorithm, keeping a count
write a RUNNING TOTAL within a loop standard algorithm
traverse 1-D array
standard algorithm, enter list of values, display list of values, update list of values, calculate with a list of values
write a standard algorithm to TRAVERSE a 1-D array