entity-relationship diagram
attribute, entity
design entity names and attributes within an entity-relationship diagram
many to one relationship
design a one to many relationship within an entity-relationship diagram
data dictionary
attribute, entity, data types, validation constraints
use entity name and attributes in a data dictionary
number data type
use number as a data type for an attribute in a data dictionary
text data type
use text as a data type for an attribute in a data dictionary
date data type
use date as a data type for an attribute in a data dictionary
time data type
use time as a data type for an attribute in a data dictionary
boolean data type
use boolean as a data type for an attribute in a data dictionary
size of text data type
use attribute size for text data in a data dictionary
primary key
use primary key in a data dictionary
foreign key
referential integrity
use foreign key in a data dictionary
validation constraint
use validation for presence check in a data dictionary
restricted choice
validation constraint
use validation for restricted choice in a data dictionary
field length
validation constraint
use validation for field length in a data dictionary
value range check
validation constraint
use validation for value range check in a data dictionary
query design
use a query design including multiple tables, fields, search criteria, sort order