binary, place value headings
use binary to represent positive integers
real number
floating point, mantissa, exponent
describe how mantissa and exponent are used in floating point to represent real numbers
convert binary to denary
convert between denary and binary
convert between binary numbers and denary (base 10) numbers
character, extended ASCII, 8-bit
describe how 8 bit ASCII (extended) is used to represent characters
rectangle vector
vector graphics
describe how rectangle shape is represented as a vector graphic
ellipse vector
vector graphics
describe how ellipse shape is represented as a vector graphic
line vector
vector graphics
describe how line shape is represented as vector graphic
polygon vector
vector graphics
describe how polygon shape is represented as vector graphic
shape coordinates
vector graphics
describe how shape coordinates are represented in vector graphics
fill colour
vector graphics
describe how fill colour is represented in vector graphics
line colour
vector graphics
describe how line colour is represented in vector graphics
pixel, resolution, colour-depth
describe how images are represented using bitmap graphics