I know how to read a table of rows and columns to find and highlight: primary key (compound PK), clues for validation constraints, foreign key
I know how to link rows by finding matching values for PK and a FK. I know there may be more than one row in the many table which matches a row in the one table.
When there are two or more tables I know how to include a join (equi-join) when writing a select query
I can read an SQL select query and match it with the rows and columns in the tables, I can highlight what I work out.
I know how to use SQL code in the same question or other questions to help me write my own SQL code.
I can read sample data and work out what data types would be needed, also PK, FK and validations. I know how to highlight and label before starting my answer.
I can write a SELECT query after reading the question and highlighting the clues.
I know how to identify the clues for the fields / columns used with SELECT in a query
I know how to identify the clues for the table used with FROM in a query
I know how to identify the clues for the conditions used with WHERE in a query including a join if needed
I can use the AND keyword when there are two or more conditions
I know how to identify the clues for the conditions used with ORDER in a query including ascending or decending
I can identify how aggregate functions and the group keyword affect how rows are returned in a query
I can plan and write how a series of two queries can be used to return results needed
I can make a sketch of a a query result (view) to help work out how to code a second query
I can complete a data dictionary to show PK, FK, data types, size of text fields, validations constraints including presence check, range, restricted choice, field length and foreign key lookup
I can identify which attributes are required for each entity
I can use a "crow's foot" symbol to identify a many-to-one relationship
I can give a suitable name to a relationship between two entities
I can write an UPDATE statement using WHERE to match the appropriate rows
I can write a DELETE statement using WHERE to match the appropriate rows
I know that using DELETE without a WHERE will remove all rows
I know that DELETE removes an entire row, not just a value within the row
I can read and draw an entity occurrence diagram