Web3 Industry Report

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Defi Learning

Merkle tree - Merkle proofs are used to prove that a Tx is “on the block chain”


Payment channel - most of the Txs does not touch blockchain
ZK Rollup
zkEVM - coordinator can produce a SNARK proof for the execution of a short Solidity Program
easy to migrate a DAPP from L1 Ethereum to L2 zkRollup
reduced Tx fees and increased Tx rate compared to L1
Optimistic Rollup
same principle as zkRollup, but no SNARK proof
give a few days for validator to complain:
if a posted Tx is invalid
→ anyone can submit a fraud proof and win a reward & rollup server get slashed
Benefit: simple full EVM compatibility, less work for server

Data Availability: zkSync vs zkPorter
problem to solve: how to get data if the old coordinator is dead
zkSync - store all Tx data on the L1 blockchain (Ethereum)
L1 chain accepts Tx batch only if it includes summary of all Tx
other coordinators can reconstruct L2 state from L1 blockchain
Con: higher Ethereum Tx fess, good for high value assets
zkPorter - store Tx data on a new blockchain
maintained by a set of staked coordinator
cheap off-chain storage, but lower guarantee than zkSync

federated bridge
a group of validators to coordinate the transaction
trustless bridge?
can be built using SNARK Proof
hard to hide secret key so hard to built such a protocol between ETH & BTC

Analysis framework for startup idea:
Problem, Key differentiator, Customer, Moat, Business model

Web 3 landscape
Layer 1
Special purpose
Generally programmable platform
Problems: Scaling, Privacy, Programmability, Interoperability
Layer 2
One of popular L2 architecture is a ”rollup”
One solution to scaling is to move some logic from the Layer 1 chain to a “Layer 2”
L2s depend on (and ideally inherit) the security of the L1
L2s can be specific applications or general-purpose platforms
Efficiency: further reducing transaction costs
Programmability: making ZK rollups as easily programmable as L1s
User Experience: making web3 as painless as web2
Decentralization: avoid single point of failure
Monetization: capturing value from tools (open-source)
Decentralized Finance
User Experience: making non-custodial finance easier than custodial
Efficiency: reducing transaction costs
Security: avoiding exploits and bugs as DeFi applications get more complex
Regulatory clarity: determining how DeFi should be regulated

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