You must be an Administrator in your company's UKG Pro instance, or someone has shared their access with you.
Step 1: Find your UKG Pro Customer API Key
Log in to UKG Pro and search "Service Account Administration" on the top right
Copy the Customer API Keyfrom under the header
Paste the Customer API Key in the linking flow
Step 2: Create your service account
On the Service Account Administration Page, click "+ add" on the top right
2. Enter in your UKG Pro Admin's account's username and email.
3. You will need the username later
4. On the same page, scroll down under Web Service to enable "View Employee Person Details". This is REQUIRED.
5. Depending on the use case, you may also be required to add some, or all, of these permissions:
Employee Pay Statement
Employee Employment Information
PTO Plan Integration
Company Configuration Integration
Payroll Integration
Personnel Integration
Employee Job History Details
Employee Compensation Details
Click Save. Your new password will pop up. Save the password in a secure location
Enter your UKG Pro service account credentials in the linking flow and click Submit
This is user name of your admin service user and the password you just generated
Step 3: Finding your UKG Web Service Domain
In your search bar, search for Web Services
Look at any of the URLs on this page and copy one of them. For example your URL may look something like this: