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Boon Employer Launch Guide
Employer Launch Guide

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Instant Referrals (Easy Sign-up)


Your Instant referral link accelerates adoption, increases accessibility, and simplifies the referral process with no login required!


The instant referral link is unique to your organization’s account and accessible from the or the .

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Easily integrate this link into various communication channels:

Email Signatures: Embed the link in your team's email signatures for constant visibility.
QR Codes: Create QR codes linked to your instant referral form and display them around your workplace.
Instant Mobile Referrals: Save the instant referral form to your mobile device.
Digital Platforms:
Internal Communication Tools: Add the link to Slack, Teams, or Google Chat.
Company Content: Include the link in newsletters, memos, or during stand-up meeting notes to keep it top of mind.
Intranet & LMS: Pin or embed the link in your internal systems for easy access.
Leveraging the instant referral link in these ways streamlines the referral process and enhances engagement opportunities across your organization's network.

Employee Experience

The employee or user doesn’t have to be logged in or even signed up to start making their 1st referral. Additionally, after making their first referral, Boon captures their information and automatically onboards them to your account.
Here’s a quick visual and step-by-step of the Instant Referral process:


Employees enter their details (for first referral only)
They enter the candidate they would like to refer
Employees can select or search for an opening
They then have the option to add a custom message.
The referral is sent!

In addition, enrichment questions can be configured to provide the hiring team more information about the candidate and how the employee know them.

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