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ChatGPT: Prompt A vs Prompt B

The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT Prompts: the Best Prompt Advice ever!
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Prompting matters! Don't ask chatGPT to act!

Now, let's dive into the different results generated by prompting chatGPT to act vs. being explicit and directive.
Prompt A1
"Act as a ghostwriter" "Acting as a ghostwriter, I want you to imagine a world full of magical creatures. Start by describing this world." "Now, introduce us to a main character. Perhaps a young, adventurous creature who's never ventured beyond their home." "This character stumbles upon a mysterious object. Describe it and explain why it's important." "Suddenly, a conflict arises that threatens the magical world. What is it and how does our main character react?" "Now, bring the story to a resolution. How does the character overcome the conflict and what do they learn in the process?"
Prompt B1
"You are an expert ghostwriter" "As an expert ghostwriter, I need you to craft an innovative fairy tale. Start with a unique setting that will captivate our young readers." "Introduce a main character who is both relatable and inspiring. What are their dreams and fears?" "Our main character finds a magical artifact. What is it and why is it significant?" "Our character is faced with a major problem that challenges their world. What is the problem and how does it affect our main character?" "Guide us towards a resolution. How does the character solve the problem and what do they learn from their journey?"
Prompt A2
"Act as a ghostwriter and let's write a biography for a successful entrepreneur. Start with a brief introduction about their early life." "Now, tell us about the challenges they faced while starting their first business."
Prompt B2
"As an expert ghostwriter, I want you to write a case study for a company that turned around its failing business. Describe the situation the company was in before the turnaround." "Now, tell us about the strategy they implemented to recover."
Prompt A3
"Act as an expert content creator and write an engaging blog post introduction about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle." "Now, provide some practical tips about incorporating healthy habits into daily life."
Prompt B3
"As an expert content creator, write a compelling social media post promoting a new book." "Give us a brief and enticing summary of the book."
Prompt A1
"Act as a ghostwriter"
"Acting as a ghostwriter, I want you to imagine a world full of magical creatures. Start by describing this world."
"Now, introduce us to a main character. Perhaps a young, adventurous creature who's never ventured beyond their home."
"This character stumbles upon a mysterious object. Describe it and explain why it's important."
"Suddenly, a conflict arises that threatens the magical world. What is it and how does our main character react?"
"Now, bring the story to a resolution. How does the character overcome the conflict and what do they learn in the process?"
In the celestial realm of Eloria, where the dawn blushes with hues of sapphire and the moonbeams shimmer gold, magic reigns supreme. Sprawling wildflower meadows sing lullabies with the wind, and ancient, wise trees whisper tales of old to those who listen. Crystalline rivers tell their own tales, and the mountains cloak themselves with clouds like a grand spectacle in the sky. This world is a symphony of enchantment, a stage for the extraordinary, and a home to an abundance of magical creatures.
In a quaint little dwelling, nestled among the roots of the Great Whispering Willow, lives Faelan, a young Imp with twinkling emerald eyes and wings that glowed like the northern lights. Faelan was a bundle of curiosity, known for his playful demeanor and an adventurous spirit that was as vast as the Elorian sky. Yet, he had never strayed beyond the comforting shadows of the Whispering Willow.
One fateful day, Faelan stumbled upon a mysterious object hidden beneath the luminous Eloria blooms. It was a pendant, glowing with an inner light, pulsating like a heartbeat. In its center was a stone, as black as the night, yet it shone with a brilliance that held the cosmos within. This pendant was the ancient Heartstone, the source of all magic in Eloria, lost for generations.
However, the tranquility of Faelan’s world was shattered when Obsidian, a malevolent sorcerer, threatened the world of Eloria, intending to seize the Heartstone and bend its powers to his will. As the Heartstone’s new guardian, Faelan was filled with fear but also determination. He knew he couldn’t let Obsidian win.
With courage ignited within him, Faelan embarked on a perilous journey, seeking the wisdom of the ancient creatures and learning to harness the power of the Heartstone. Despite the trials and tribulations, Faelan’s spirit remained unbroken. He discovered that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
In a grand confrontation, Faelan used the Heartstone's power not to fight Obsidian, but to reveal the sorcerer's own fears and insecurities. Overwhelmed, Obsidian surrendered, and the Heartstone, sensing no more threats, dimmed its light and returned to its peaceful state.
Faelan returned home, a hero. He was no longer just a young, adventurous Imp, but a protector of Eloria. Through his journey, he had learned the true essence of courage and the power of understanding one's fears. His tale became a beacon of hope for all of Eloria, a tale whispered by the winds and echoed by the rivers, a tale of a young Imp who protected the magic of their world.

"Act as an expert ghostwriter"
This prompt is instructing the AI to play a role or portray a character. It seems like you're asking the AI to mimic the behavior, style, and knowledge an expert ghostwriter might have. In response, the AI will try to emulate the qualities of an expert ghostwriter in its writing.

You are an experienced ghostwriter
This prompt is more direct and straightforward, it seems to be a statement of fact rather than an instruction to role-play. The AI might interpret this as it being the ghostwriter itself and may bring a more personal and immersive touch to the writing.

Quick note
However, as an AI, it's important to note that the AI doesn't have personal experiences or expertise, but it will use its trained knowledge to simulate the responses as per the instruction. The difference in the results might be minimal and more dependent on the subsequent prompts and the direction of the conversation.

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