
Bodyswaps LMS Integrations Guide

This document explains how to integrate Bodyswaps into a third party Learner Management or Learner Experience Systems (referred to as LMS’s from here-on).
There are a myriad of LMS solutions on the market and so whilst its not possible to support every system, we have created an integration route via the LTI1.3 standard which is supported by a large number of the LMSs.
Note: Unlike many web based eLearning applications Bodyswaps cannot actually be hosted inside an LMS - i.e. there are not application files that can be uploaded to host LMS. The Bodyswaps is a separate app that must be either installed on the target device via one of our recommended methods or we can stream Bodyswaps in the browser from our website. Please ask our team for details on this latter option.

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI): Developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium, LTI is a standard that allows third-party learning applications to integrate seamlessly into LMSs. LTI provides a framework for the LMS to send user, role, and course information to the third-party tool, and for the tool to send grade data back to the LMS. It's widely supported by many LMSs, making it a versatile choice for integration.

Configuration steps

LTI must be configured on both the LMS and Bodyswaps in order to connect.
The steps will vary between LMS’s, we have provided Moodle LMS as an example integration here but please contact your vendor if you cannot find the equivalent option.

1. Add Bodyswaps as a tool to the host LMS

Bodyswaps must be added as an ‘External Tool’ to your LMS and configured using the following options:
Tool Name
Give this an easily recognisable name, e.g. Bodyswaps
Tool URL
This is a pre-defined URL endpoint on our server. Do not change.
Tool description
Any description you like or leave empty
LTI Version
Check this is 1.3, there are earlier versions that won’t be compatible.
Public Key Type
Initiate Login URL
This is a pre-defined URL endpoint on our server. Do not change.
Redirect URL
This is a pre-defined URL endpoint on our server. Do not change.
Custom Params
Leave this empty for now, we will configure this per course later
Tool configuration usage
Not all LMS may need this option or call it differently. Essentially this means that you don’t have to enter this data again per course.
Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool
Launch Container
Terminology may vary, what we want is for Bodyswaps to launch in its own Tab in the browser.
Existing Window
IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services
Please allow this tool for grade sync and column management
Use this service for grade sync and column management
IMS LTI Names and Role Provisioning
Please allow
Use this service to retrieve members’ information as per privacy setting
Tool Setting
Make sure this is on!
Use this service
Share launcher's name with tool
Bodyswaps needs the users name and email address to be shared with us
Share launcher's email with tool
Bodyswaps needs the users name and email address to be shared with us
Accept grades from the tool
Bodyswaps passes a completed grade back to the LMS
Public Key
You’ll need to paste this in later after the next step. It’s our public key so your LMS knows its talking to us.
<To be cut and paste from Bodyswaps>
There are no rows in this table
Once this is registered somewhere you should be find your tool configuration details. This contains:
Platform ID
Client ID
Deployment ID
Public keyset URL
Access token URL
Authentication request URL
You’ll need to enter these into Bodyswaps Go in the next step.

Moodle Example

Log in as Admin
Navigate to Site Administration → Plugins → Manage Tools
Add a new external tool and fill tool configuration (as per above)

Copy the client ID

2. Register your LMS to Bodyswaps Go

Navigate to Bodyswaps Go. You must be an administrator and then you should then see an Integrations Tab
Here you can see any integrations that you’ve registered before. If this is the first time then this list will be empty, so click CREATE INTEGRATION to open the new integration window.
Here you should fill out the following details
Integration Name
Something that you will remember.
Test Moodle Integration
Redirect URL
Paste in your LMS URL which may be your Platform ID
Normally the same as the LMS URL
Your Tool Name (from step 1)
Client ID
Paste this from your tool configuration.
Auth URL
This is Authentication Request URL from your tool configuration
Token URL
This is the Access Token URL from your tool configuration
Cert URL
This is the Public Keyset or Certification URL from your tool configuration
There are no rows in this table
Click SAVE.

3. Register our public key

Click on the eye icon next to the integration you just created to reveal our public key you’ll need to paste this back into the Public Key field on your LMS.
Bodyswaps is now configured! Next step is to add it to a course.

Moodle Example

Once we have the public key, we need to go back into our Tool settings in Moodle, and update the public key field. This is to ensure that we have a safe connections between the LMS and the Bodyswaps System.
Log in as Admin
Navigate to Site Administration → Plugins → Manage Tools
Find the previous tool created
Click on the Cog icon in the top right hand corner of the tool
Once we have gone back into our settings of the tool, we want to paste the public key that we coped from bodyswaps into the Public Key section, like so:
Once this is done, you can save, and the tool is all set up and ready to use.

4. Add a Bodyswaps activity to your course

Create a course in your LMS, add an activity or resource and add an External Tool.
Give the activity a name and select your preconfigured tool - in this case Bodyswaps (or the name you picked in Stage 1)
You’ll need to configure some custom parameters - this is because the Bodyswaps tool contains many different learning modules. On Bodyswaps Go we have a handy tool to create this for you.
Navigate to Integrations on Bodyswaps Go and click on Parameters, set the module you want to include in your course, your preferred language and the URL to redirect to after completion. Copy and paste the text in the custom parameters field into your LMS.
If you have the redirect url, you can past this into the Redirect URL field. If you do not, you can leave it blank.
That’s it you are done!

Moodle Example

We now want to set up the module that will be using the Bodyswaps integration.
In order for this to work correctly, we need to set up “activities” in a module, within the edit course section of the given course that you want to add the tool into.
The reason we need two activities, is because we want to set up an activity that actually provides the content, and then we want another activity that the Bodyswaps tool redirects back to, and provides feedback on whether the user has completed the module. It is at this point the grade will be given and the grade will be synced to the LMS provider.
Firstly, lets add the activity that provides the Bodyswaps content.
Create the module you want (this can be named anything you like). Then click on “Add an activity or resource”
This will bring a modal pop up. You can navigate through and find the “External Tool” (this can be found easily by typing “tool” into the search bar at the top. Once found, click on the External Tool option.
This will bring you to the following form. Navigate through the form and fill out the required fields, as seen in the image bellow. The “Custom Parameters” field can be left blank for right now.
If you set the tool up correctly in the previous section, if you select the “Preconfigured tool” drop down, you tool should be available to select from the options. Select the tool.
Once you have selected the tool - click the “Show more...” blue link just above the preconfigured tool field, and this will bring up more options.
Feel free to fill out the description field, though this is completely optional.
You can decide what kind of best Launch container you would like to use. For the best experience, we would recommend that you use “Existing window” option.
For now, we can leave the “Custom parameters” blank, we will need to come back here after setting up the landing page so that we can make sure we have the correct redirect url.
Once this is done, you can click “Save and return to course”.
Now we need to add another activity or recourse, under the one we have just created. Please follow the steps from above to add another External Tool, and this should navigate you back to a new tool form.
Give the form a name, like Bodyswaps Module Results.
Select the same tool from “Preconfigured tools” as before.
This time, we want to leave the “Launch container” as Default.
In the Custom parameters sections, copy the model from the Bodyswaps Custom Parameter Generator and paste it into the box, like so:
It is really important, that you add the following text on a new line - results=true
This tells the tool that we want to show the results of the module, and not launch the tool again.
Now we want to set up the grade.
Open the grade dropdown and fill the form in like below:
You can put any number in for max grade. Whatever this number is, will be set when the module is completed.
You can now click “Save and return to course”.
Now, we want to get the URL of the landing page - so if you click on the newly created results page, prompting it to open, we want to copy the URL from the browser, like this:
Once we have the redirect url from the top, we can navigate back to the Bodyswaps Admin, and go to the Custom Parameter Generator, and this time, we want to paste the url into the Redirect URL field, and then copy the paramaters that are provided.
Once this is done, go back into the setting of the first tool we created, and past the custom parameters into the the “Custom parameters” section, as below.
Now you can select Save and return to course, and the tool is all set up and ready to use.


LMS integration is a new feature and we are unable to test with every LTI1.3 compatible LMS out there - where possible we will keep the below table updated with which systems LMS integration has been tested with and any issues.
Up to version 4.3.1. There are issues with 4.3.2 currently.
Awaiting Validation
Awaiting Validation
D2L Brightspace
Awaiting Validation
Google Classroom
Not Supported
Does not support Lti1.3 standard
There are no rows in this table


Module has not been set

This means you have not set the module in the custom params.

Authentication Problem


This means there has been a problem authenticating the app. Check the public key has been pasted from the Bodyswaps Portal correctly to the tool, and ensure that the Client Ids match. Ensure there are not extra spaces at the beginning or end of any keys.

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