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Job Search Resources (Updated 2021)

Tools and tips to help you write your resume, ace the interview, and get hired.
My best job search resources as a former executive recruiter in biotechnology, pharma, and software technology/tech start-ups.
Best job boards:
Niche job sites (for example, for software engineers).
Don’t rely entirely on job boards, though, even though it’s tempting. Make sure you’re networking, contacting employers directly, emailing hiring managers and recruiters, etc. There’s a lot of competition on job boards, with the average online job posting getting 100+ applicants, so the more you can get creative and apply differently, the better.
Best sites for free resume templates:
Cover letter template:

Interview preparation:

After your interview:
Keep applying for jobs during this follow-up process, too, though.
One of the biggest mistakes that I see job seekers commit is relying on one employer, or getting excited about one particular job and stopping their efforts to wait for that employer.
Then, if they don’t get the job offer, they’re back to square one with no momentum or other job leads.
I’d rather you get multiple offers and have to say “no” to a few than see you wait around for one offer and have it fall through. Keep applying until you’ve signed a job offer.

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