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Airtable Comments

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Design Inference Matters...

The new Airtable community has many functional flaws, but this missive is about one that is purely a design choice that annoys me. Don't take it too seriously, but enjoy it and let me know your thoughts.
Members are classified by planet names; Pluto is reserved for only the most prolific contributors, like . I was recently promoted to Neptune (from Uranus, another funny story too deep for this post). This member ranking metric is based on the distance from the sun.
Apparently the more you engage, the further you are from the Sun.
That makes no sense to me. It would seem that the more you engage, the more of a light source you become; hotter, more intense, and perhaps more central you are to the community. should be Mercury if not the Sun itself.
When doubles her engagement in a few years, what’s after Pluto? Dwarf planets? And are these even politically correct? Eris is a little bigger than Pluto, which has its own small moon. There is Haumea, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Varuna, and Makemake. These are each dwarf planet names that no one will recognize. At less than five feet five inches and shrinking every year, I do not look forward to being promoted to a dwarf planet. What about the ? That sounds so isolated and cold. Our Sun literally looks like a distant star out there. seems interesting; perhaps it’s how the product, formerly known as Integromat, got its name. Integromat should have used this full name; as distant as Makemake is, it can be found in Google. ;)
Khoros designers chose the exact opposite representation of what seems natural (to me, anyway). This design choice is much like the infamous opposite directional controls for Lexus power windows a few decades ago. There was a time when pulling up on the control lowered the windows; pushing down raised them. Wait. What? Yep. This has been changed, of course. But it was a hot mess.
I think Khoros is a cold mess - kinda like the chill on Makemake, which is 50 Kelvin (-223C or -370F).

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