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Read with focus using the QuickScan Pack

If you read from a screen a lot, you probably know how tired your eyes can get after a while.
Words begin to blend in with one another, you lose your place more often, and it becomes harder and harder to process and retain the information you’re reading.
But what if we could use a formatting trick to make it easier to read on a screen? That’s what the QuickScan Pack does. It gives your eyes a focal point for each word, helping you travel through the text like a hot knife through butter.
Want to try it out? Just hit the toggle below:

QuickScan off
QuickScan on

QuickScan on
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly alcatra chislic, short ribs venison buffalo porchetta capicola andouille cupim prosciutto jowl. Tail shank ball tip pig biltong rump strip steak jowl andouille leberkas t-bone ham shankle pancetta chicken. Drumstick chicken cupim tail, t-bone ham hock capicola. T-bone pastrami venison, prosciutto fatback jerky tail andouille tri-tip. Strip steak tenderloin pastrami pork salami. Tri-tip frankfurter corned beef tenderloin prosciutto. Corned beef salami bacon, burgdoggen meatloaf porchetta fatback shank t-bone pork belly tail shankle pork loin doner bresaola. Kielbasa frankfurter bacon turducken, pork loin sausage alcatra fatback chislic pastrami venison. Tenderloin landjaeger buffalo pig jowl ham hock picanha burgdoggen short ribs cow. Pig kielbasa pork, chuck porchetta corned beef venison bacon jerky burgdoggen shank.Beef ribs swine t-bone kevin, chislic ham hock capicola prosciutto drumstick salami pork chop. Pork loin jerky alcatra pork swine beef ribs. Turkey ground round venison prosciutto, andouille bacon turducken. Pancetta short loin jowl, pig bacon buffalo meatball fatback hamburger ribeye. Alcatra jowl tongue, beef biltong short loin turducken tri-tip pork belly short ribs brisket ham hock ribeye capicola. Doner tri-tip porchetta short loin picanha, ribeye ground round leberkas. Beef ribs ground round drumstick cupim landjaeger, alcatra doner pork chop. Biltong bresaola ham tenderloin ham hock salami burgdoggen fatback landjaeger buffalo turducken corned beef. Sirloin shankle spare ribs tail filet mignon bresaola beef ribs.Short ribs kielbasa sirloin tongue, jowl strip steak shankle. Ball tip short loin pork corned beef, bacon turducken kielbasa. Ribeye drumstick hamburger pork belly chicken pork. Chuck doner picanha shank chislic cupim, tenderloin leberkas cow andouille. Alcatra frankfurter sausage, kielbasa rump pastrami bresaola meatloaf porchetta bacon cupim sirloin beef ribs pancetta strip steak. Venison beef ribs bresaola brisket t-bone biltong. Ham andouille sausage swine cupim doner chuck porchetta shoulder pancetta short ribs prosciutto short loin meatloaf. Does your lorem ipsum text long for something a little meatier? Give our generator a try… it’s tasty!
QuickScan off
Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly alcatra chislic, short ribs venison buffalo porchetta capicola andouille cupim prosciutto jowl. Tail shank ball tip pig biltong rump strip steak jowl andouille leberkas t-bone ham shankle pancetta chicken. Drumstick chicken cupim tail, t-bone ham hock capicola. T-bone pastrami venison, prosciutto fatback jerky tail andouille tri-tip.
Strip steak tenderloin pastrami pork salami. Tri-tip frankfurter corned beef tenderloin prosciutto. Corned beef salami bacon, burgdoggen meatloaf porchetta fatback shank t-bone pork belly tail shankle pork loin doner bresaola. Kielbasa frankfurter bacon turducken, pork loin sausage alcatra fatback chislic pastrami venison. Tenderloin landjaeger buffalo pig jowl ham hock picanha burgdoggen short ribs cow. Pig kielbasa pork, chuck porchetta corned beef venison bacon jerky burgdoggen shank.Beef ribs swine t-bone kevin, chislic ham hock capicola prosciutto drumstick salami pork chop. Pork loin jerky alcatra pork swine beef ribs. Turkey ground round venison prosciutto, andouille bacon turducken. Pancetta short loin jowl, pig bacon buffalo meatball fatback hamburger ribeye. Alcatra jowl tongue, beef biltong short loin turducken tri-tip pork belly short ribs brisket ham hock ribeye capicola.
Doner tri-tip porchetta short loin picanha, ribeye ground round leberkas. Beef ribs ground round drumstick cupim landjaeger, alcatra doner pork chop. Biltong bresaola ham tenderloin ham hock salami burgdoggen fatback landjaeger buffalo turducken corned beef. Sirloin shankle spare ribs tail filet mignon bresaola beef ribs.Short ribs kielbasa sirloin tongue, jowl strip steak shankle. Ball tip short loin pork corned beef, bacon turducken kielbasa. Ribeye drumstick hamburger pork belly chicken pork. Chuck doner picanha shank chislic cupim, tenderloin leberkas cow andouille. Alcatra frankfurter sausage, kielbasa rump pastrami bresaola meatloaf porchetta bacon cupim sirloin beef ribs pancetta strip steak. Venison beef ribs bresaola brisket t-bone biltong. Ham andouille sausage swine cupim doner chuck porchetta shoulder pancetta short ribs prosciutto short loin meatloaf.
Does your lorem ipsum text long for something a little meatier? Give our generator a try… it’s tasty!

It works on tables too!


Meeting notes
QuickScan meeting notes
Lorem ipsum dolor amet mustache knausgaard +1, blue bottle waistcoat tbh semiotics artisan synth stumptown gastropub cornhole celiac swag. Brunch raclette vexillologist post-ironic glossier ennui XOXO mlkshk godard pour-over blog tumblr humblebrag. Blue bottle put a bird on it twee prism biodiesel brooklyn. Blue bottle ennui tbh succulents.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet mustache knausgaard +1, blue bottle waistcoat tbh semiotics artisan synth stumptown gastropub cornhole celiac swag. Brunch raclette vexillologist post-ironic glossier ennui XOXO mlkshk godard pour-over blog tumblr humblebrag. Blue bottle put a bird on it twee prism biodiesel brooklyn. Blue bottle ennui tbh succulents.

Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium.
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium.
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet marshmallow topping cheesecake muffin. Halvah croissant candy canes bonbon candy. Apple pie jelly beans topping carrot cake danish tart cake cheesecake. Muffin danish chocolate soufflé pastry icing bonbon oat cake. Powder cake jujubes oat cake. Lemon drops tootsie roll marshmallow halvah carrot cake.
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet marshmallow topping cheesecake muffin. Halvah croissant candy canes bonbon candy. Apple pie jelly beans topping carrot cake danish tart cake cheesecake. Muffin danish chocolate soufflé pastry icing bonbon oat cake. Powder cake jujubes oat cake. Lemon drops tootsie roll marshmallow halvah carrot cake.
There are no rows in this table

How does it work?

This Pack simply takes your text as an input, then bolds the first half of each word.
No APIs or logins necessary.

Get started with QuickScan

You can install the QuickScan Pack in any Coda doc. To find it, go to the Insert panel, then Packs. Search for QuickScan, and install the Pack.
QuickScan can be used in a table or on Coda’s canvas. To use it, simply type = , then quickScan(). Set your text, then optionally set the number of characters you want to bold at the start of each word. This is an optional value; if you leave it blank, it will bold half of each word’s characters (rounding up).
And that’s it! That’s how simple it is to use QuickScan.
Searching 'QuickScan' from the Packs menu in the Insert panel of Coda
💡 Tip: Experiment with Coda's two font styles from the Insert > Settings > Page panel, to see which you prefer!

🐘 The elephant in the room

I am aware that this method of ‘speed reading’ is . Whether or not this technique increases your reading speed, comprehension, or retention is your determination to make.
This method seems to help me travel through big blocks of text more easily, which is why I built it. Your mileage may vary. I built this Pack for fun. We’re just having fun here.

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