Maven Toys Sales Analysis
Maven Toys is a toy store located in Mexico. The store sells 5 product categories: Toys, Art & Craft, Electronics, Games, and Sports & Outdoors. The datasets contain information about the products, stores, daily sales transactions from January 2017-September 2018, and current inventory levels at each location.
Zurich Marketing Performance Monitoring
Zurich is a leading insurance provider serving its customers in both global and local markets. Currently, Zurich is developing their new product called Ziaga Life Flexy (ZLF). ZLF is a insurance product that provides lifelong protection. During the coverage period, the designated family members as Beneficiaries will receive the sum insured in the event of insured’s death.
Zurich Marketing Performance Evaluation
Zurich is a leading insurance provider serving its customers in both global and local markets. Currently, Zurich is developing their new product called Ziaga Life Flexy (ZLF). ZLF is a insurance product that provides lifelong protection. During the coverage period, the designated family members as Beneficiaries will receive the sum insured in the event of insured’s death.
Zurich Payment Performance Evaluation
Zurich is a leading insurance provider serving its customers in both global and local markets. Currently, Zurich is developing their new product called Ziaga Life Flexy (ZLF). ZLF is a insurance product that provides lifelong protection. During the coverage period, the designated family members as Beneficiaries will receive the sum insured in the event of insured’s death.
Samba Commerce Dashboard
Samba Commerce is one of the fast-growing e-commerce in Brazil which just launched in 2021. Samba Commerce offers more than 15k products, and more than 50 product categories to customer all over Brazil.
RevoBank - Promotional Program Analysis
RevoBank is a European bank that provides Credit Cards (CC) to its customers. Revoshop is one of RevoBank’s partners, a well-established e-commerce market company. Over the past 6 months, RevoBank implemented a new promotion for credit cards users:
Involves distributing RevoShop vouchers to all RevoBank customers via email/SMS.
Users can redeem vouchers on eligible transactions, they receive 15 cc points, equivalent with 1.5 euros
There are no limits on the number of transactions a user can redeem, and RevoBank covers the full cost of promotion.