The key to sales is understanding these 5 obstacles and create an offer that eliminates every single one of them. And in this part of our database, this is exactly what you will learn to do.
Write down the answers to the following obstacles and how you are going to solve them. Then use it as a base for all of your communication and marketing: all of your ads, content, social media posts, website, emails, product pages - everything.
The better you understand your offer, the more customers you will win.
Obstacle 1: No Need
They don't feel like they need your product. It does not solve their problem, satisfy them, or seem valuable to them.
This comes down to your value proposition and how you communicate the benefits and unique selling points of your product. Find answers to these questions:
What is the value customers will receive from your product?
How does it solve a problem or improve their life?
What are the benefits of using your product?
Why is it better than your competitor’s product aka What is your product’s unique selling point?
Obstacle 2: No Money
The product is too expensive for them - or not valuable enough for them to justify the price.
Money is usually never the real issue, if it was credit card debt wouldn’t be a thing.
It’s the way you communicate your product, and the perceived value is not high enough for them to justify the purchase. Communicate your benefits and unique selling points in a way that makes it a no-brainer to purchase your product.
Example: A high-quality bed that costs £30,000 - it sounds insane right?
But if you put it in the perspective that we spend 26 years of our life sleeping in a bed - it doesn’t sound that insane anymore. For the right target audience, it’s an investment in greater health and life quality.
Obstacle 3: No Urgency
There is no urgency - They don't feel like they need it now or have to purchase it now.
You don’t need discounts or limited stock to create urgency. Urgency can be created by creating the feeling that they are missing out on something great if they wait. They are losing something every single day without your product. It can be things like money, status, health, or love. You have to dig deep - why should your customers purchase your product now? And what will they miss out on if they don’t?
Obstacle 4: No Desire
There is no emotional desire to own your product. For example: You don't need a new iPhone, you want one because of how it makes you feel.
Why would consumers want your product? You have to connect with them on an emotional level. Will your product make them happier? Will their confidence go up? Will their status go up? Will they feel like they are part of something bigger, e.g. a community? Forget the logic - How will it make them feel?
Obstacle 5: No Trust
No trust in you, your business, or website or they don't trust that your product/service will solve their problem/desire/need.
Remove the perceived risk of purchase with money-back guarantees, result guarantees, trial periods, satisfaction guarantees, easy returns, etc.
Build trust with social proof. This can be case studies, reviews on the website (including images and videos), retargeting ads, a Trust Pilot page, comments on ads, comments on social media posts, etc.
Also make sure your website, ads, and socials are high quality and trustworthy.
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