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Competency Test Sales Manager
Introduction and Overview

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Test Instructions

Time Commitment: We estimate that completing this test will take approximately 2 hours. We recommend setting aside uninterrupted time to ensure you can focus and give your best.
Submission Format: Your test responses should be compiled and submitted in a single document. While we accept submissions in Coda Doc, Google Doc, or PDF formats, creating your response in Coda will allow you to leverage its dynamic features, thereby potentially enhancing the quality of your submission. Remember, how you choose to present your work can be just as telling as the content itself.
Utilization of Tools: Feel free to employ tables, imagery, cards, or any digital tools at your disposal to make your submission engaging and informative. We value creativity and the ability to present information in a clear and compelling manner.
Clarity and Strategy: Your answers should not only be clear and concise but should also reflect your strategic and analytical thinking skills. We're looking for evidence of how you approach problems, the thought processes behind your decisions, and your ability to convey complex ideas effectively.
Supporting Resources: To aid in your test completion, you can find some resources here:
Originality: While we encourage you to draw upon all available resources, it's crucial that the work you submit is entirely your own. The use of AI is encouraged, but we will immediately spot the amateur use of Chat GPT 😉
Questions and Clarifications: In general, we encourage to ask questions, however, due to the sheer amount of applications we process, it is impossible to answer every single question. Before contacting us, ask yourself “Can I find the answer?” — 99% of the time, you can.
By following these instructions, you'll ensure that your submission not only meets our expectations but also showcases the unique qualities and skills you bring to the table.

Submission guidelines

Ensure your document is clearly organized, with each task labeled and separated.
Include any assumptions or rationale behind your strategies and decisions.
Submit your document via the provided submission link within 7 days of receiving this email.
Thank you for participating in this competency test.
We look forward to seeing the results 🙌

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