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final project bella yohana gabriella - PM
Understanding The Market and User Needs

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Research Result

Participant Profile
Febby Pangestu Iskandar (recruiter)
Rahsa Nusantara
Aghniya Khalishnafi (candidate)
Devilia Margaretta
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Initial Hypotheses 1:

A centralized platform can reduce duplication of effort and improve collaboration among recruiting teams

Finding H1
Question H1
Conclusion Answer data collected in rate (%)
Small Business
Medium Small Business
Large Small Business
How do you currently manage candidate information and communication?
untuk database pakai googlesheet yang bisa diakses oleh semua recruiter, karna biasanya menggunakan beberapa platform untuk recruitment
What tools or software do you use for recruitment tasks?
google sheet: untuk database dan koordinasi
hiring platform: glints, linkedin, instagram
recruitment process: whatsapp, gmail, google calender, gmeet
Are there any pain points related to using multiple tools or systems?
karena ada banyak platform jadi harus sering crosscheck, untuk report harus ambil data dari banyak paltform
How do you collaborate with team members during the recruitment process?
sering koordinasi lewat chat, adakan weekly meeting untuk report, make sure untuk tidak hire kandidat yang sama, semua recruiter harus bisa akses semua platform dan dokumen
Do you encounter challenges in sharing information or maintaining consistency across the team?
iya, karena banyak paltform dan datanya tersebar jadi harus sering double check dan komunikasi dengan team
Would a centralized platform improve efficiency and reduce data duplication in your workflow?
iya, karena bisa lebih cepat jadi tidak perlu double cek dan meminimalisir ada error
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Initial Hypotheses 2:

Automated screening tools can accelerate the candidate selection process
Finding H2
Question H2
Answer data collected
Have you encountered automated screening tools during your job search or previous applications?
Are you aware that automated tools often scan resumes for specific keywords or phrases?
Do you customize your applications to specific job postings?
iya, agar sesuai dengan requirement
Have you received feedback from employers after automated screenings?
iya, biasanya melalui email
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Initial Hypotheses 3:

Integrating with job boards and social media can enhance candidate sourcing.
Finding H3
Question H3
Answer data collected
What specific features or filters do recruiters rely on when searching for candidates on job boards?
keywords bar, location, experience level, education, industry experience, and certification
Which social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) do recruiters utilize for candidate sourcing?
biasanya melalui twitter dan facebook, setelah itu bakal langsung connect atau screening ke linkedin
How effective has social media been in reaching passive candidates (those not actively looking for jobs)?
sangat efektif, karena tergetnya bukan mereka yang aktif mencari kerja namun mereka yang terbuka dengan opportunity. efektifitasnya dilihat dari engagement rates dan conversion rates
How do recruiters evaluate the quality of candidates sourced from job boards versus social media?
job boards: informasinya terstruktur dan kandidatnya active job seeker evaluasinya dari resume quality, keywoards and matching, work experience, dan certification social media: kandidatnya passive job seeker evaluasinya dari profile review, content and engagement, network and connections
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User Needs Statement :
Customization of applications to specific job postings to align with requirements.
Feedback from employers after automated screenings, usually received via email
Awareness that automated tools often scan resumes for specific keywords or phrases is low.
Customizing applications is crucial for matching job requirements, which may not be common practice.
A centralized platform to reduce duplication of effort and improve collaboration.
Automated screening tools to accelerate the candidate selection process.
Integration with job boards and social media to enhance candidate sourcing.
Recruiters rely on specific features or filters such as keywords, location, experience level, education, industry experience, and certification when searching for candidates on job boards.
Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are used for initial candidate sourcing, followed by LinkedIn for connection or screening.
Social media is highly effective in reaching passive candidates, with effectiveness measured by engagement rates and conversion rates.
The quality of candidates from job boards is evaluated based on resume quality, keywords matching, work experience, and certifications, while social media-sourced candidates are evaluated through profile review, content engagement, network, and connections.
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From data we able to get insight :
Recruiter’s Perspective:
Centralized Platform Benefits: first hypothesis that a centralized platform could enhance collaboration and reduce redundant efforts among recruiting teams.
Automated Screening Tools: the second hypothesis suggests that automated tools could speed up the candidate selection process.
Social Media Integration: the third hypothesized that integrating job boards with social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook could improve candidate sourcing

Candidate Sourcing Insights:
Job Boards: Recruiters value structured information and actively seek candidates with specific keywords, experience, and certifications.
Social Media: Platforms are effective in engaging passive candidates, with effectiveness measured by engagement and conversion rates.

User Needs Insights:
Candidates: There’s a need for customization in applications to match job requirements, and feedback post-automated screenings is crucial.
Recruiters: The quality of candidates is evaluated differently based on the source, with job boards providing structured information and social media offering insights into a candidate’s network and content engagement

Challenge :
Centralized Platform: There is a need for a centralized platform that can reduce duplication of effort and improve collaboration among recruiting teams. This suggests that the current systems may be fragmented, leading to inefficiencies.
Automated Screening Tools: The challenge is to implement automated screening tools that can accelerate the candidate selection process without compromising the quality of candidates.
Social Media Integration: Integrating job boards with social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is essential to enhance candidate sourcing. The challenge lies in effectively leveraging these platforms to reach passive candidates and measure engagement and conversion rates.
Customization of Applications: Candidates need to customize their applications to specific job postings to align with requirements, but there is a low awareness of how automated tools scan resumes for keywords.
Quality Evaluation: Recruiters evaluate the quality of candidates from job boards based on resume quality, keywords matching, work experience, and certifications. The challenge is to maintain this quality while streamlining the process.
Overall, the challenge is to create a recruitment process that is efficient, collaborative, and capable of sourcing high-quality candidates through a combination of centralized platforms, automated tools, and social media integration.

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