Formulas and Automation

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Rollup Fields & Formulas

Membership Rollup Field Fixed

Membership Rollup field was fixed; the Opportunity Record Type is now set to Membership.
In NPSP, the Membership Rollup has an incorrect default filter rule setting. All donations, regardless of record type, roll up to the Membership fields (i.e. Total Membership Amount, Last Membership date, Last Membership Amount, etc.). By filtering this rollup field by the Membership Opportunity Record Type, only revenue from Memberships now show up in the rollup field.

New Rollup Fields

Soft credits are used to give multiple accounts or contacts credit for gifts received. Third-party platform gifts from entities like Facebook and Donor Advised Funds (DAF) can make reporting and strategize around donors difficult. To solve this, we created a series of fields and rollups:
First Account Soft Credit Amount
First Account Soft Credit Date
First Contact Soft Credit Amount
First Contact Soft Credit Date
First Hard Gift Amount
Last Account Soft Credit Amount
Last Account Soft Credit Date
Last Contact Soft Credit Amount
Last Contact Soft Credit Date
Total Account Soft Credit Amount
Total Account Soft Credits This FY
Total Account Soft Credits Last FY
Total Contact Soft Credit Amount
Total Contact Soft Credits This FY
Total Contact Soft Credits Last FY

Date Formulas Created

Formulas were created to determine First and Last Gift Dates Soft or Hard:
Days Since First Gift (Formula - Number)
First Gift Date Soft or Hard
Days Since Last Gift (Formula - Number)
Last Gift Date Soft or Hard

Consolidated Currency Rollups

Formulas were created to consolidate currency fields so users can pull reports that combine all the rollups:
Total Gifts Soft or Hard All Time
Gifts Soft or Hard This FY
Gifts Soft or Hard Last FY

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