NPSP Settings

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Release Notes

Automatic Naming

Account Name Settings were set to: "{!{!FirstName}} {!LastName} Household".
By adding the first name to the field, it will allow you to more easily tell the difference between the accounts of people who have common last names, such as Johnson or Smith.

Address Settings

Organizational Account Addresses were enabled.
This will allow you to list multiple addresses for organizations, such as shipping vs. billing.

Affiliation Settings

Automatic Affiliation Management was enabled.
Salesforce will now automatically create an organization affiliation record that you can see in the related list when a primary affiliation is added to a contact record.

Relationship Settings

Reciprocal Relationships: two new custom records were created, Student and Teacher.
These can be used for cohort facilitators and cohort participants.
Relationship Autocreation: a new custom lookup field called Teacher was created on the Contact object, and a new automatic relationship was created for Teachers and Students.
When the Teacher field is filled out on a Student's contact record, a reciprocal relationship will automatically be created.
Allow Auto Created Duplicate Relationships was enabled.
This will allow the relationship to be duplicated, for example, when a Student has the same Teacher for more than one cohort.

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