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Shifting to B2B will allow us to grow, expand, and maximize our profit through the initial fees we get for the rights to use our Brand in addition to the ongoing fees for the marketing, royalties, charge for training services, and more!
We do not lose control! Even though we are selling to another business partner we still can exert a degree of control over the majority of the business and decisions made by our partners:
Business location
Hours of operation
Advertising and marketing
Resale conditions

These restrictions are put into place to maintain uniformity between the different locations and the overall brand
Fewer headaches! Opening the first unit of a business is costly and time-consuming. Opening a second unit can be almost as difficult. When that burden is shared with another business owner, it makes the process more efficient and takes the onus off the initial business owner.
Minimal employee supervision! The only support that we have to provide is training and business knowledge. This allows us to focus on the growth of the business instead of day-to-day operations. instead, we solely focus on the business success
Increase brand awareness! The more locations the brand has the more people who are aware of the brand. And the more these customers come to know and love the brand, the more profitable and successful the brand can be.
Reduced Risk! One of the biggest benefits is the ability to expand without an increase in risk. The new business partner takes on the debt and liability of opening a unit under the name of the brand, We get all the benefits of an additional location without taking on the risk. All in the agreement!

B2B businesses witness more stability. Unlike B2C models, where customers can easily jump from one provider to another, business predictability is much better in B2B models

B2B will allow us to grow, expand and maximize our profit faster with less liability

B2B companies can easily plan their revenue budgets accurately. Collaboration in the distribution channels has to lead to higher customer loyalty and that is a plus point for our business. Businesses relying on other businesses for products and services are not fickle like the customers we get to witness in B2C models. Both the parties have a mutual understanding and the buyer relies on the seller for consistency in product or service quality, dependability, value, etc.


The selling cycle is shorter as well.

Another pro feature of this model is that it depends on factual data for streamlining the entire process. The calculation of sales is much easier this way.

B2B business models help in reducing overall expenses as well. This can be primarily attributable to advanced supply-chain management, lower chances of errors, and undue expenditure.

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