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Writing Day 8

Everyone’s got their own problems and they’re dealing with them in their own way.
Today, one of my friends at school was complaining about his teacher being a bitch and not letting him use the restroom.

To be honest, I truly didn’t care, whether or not she let him use the restroom.
But, what I did care about was making him feel heard and understood.
I could have been like “Cool, I don’t care”.
Instead I asked him questions to keep him talking and giving him space to express his frustrations, although this was not a big dead.

However, during serious conservations it’s best to ask a question and stay quiet, so the other person can get their frustrations out.

The best way to practice this, the next time you’re in a conservation.
Listen attentively and dig deeper on the information that they have given you, instead of asking surface level questions, ask them questions that triggers an emotion.
This builds a connection on a deeper level than just agreeing with everything the other person says or does.

Thank-you for tuning in to this short episode. I hope you found it helpful.
I appreciate you reading, listening, and sharing it with others.
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