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Writing Day 5

Today was a Sunday, supposedly the day for rest.
Yet, I find myself questioning the idea of designating rest and enjoyment only for the weekends and working from Monday-Friday.

Why can’t we enjoy what we do Monday-Friday? Why just the weekends?

To answer that question, you need to reflect onto your daily life.
When was the last time you asked yourself, “Am I doing what I love to do the most?”

If you’re always looking forward to the weekends, eager to hangout or have fun.
I believe you’re the answer to that question is “NO”.

I’m guilt of this myself. As a high-school student, I hated listening to lectures and thought of homework as a chore. I was always looking froward to the weekends so I could hangout with the buddies. I wished that I could skip the boring parts of school and forward to the weekends.

Here’s a quote that shifted my perspective:
"The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it." - Thich Nhat Hanh

This was eye opening for me, realizing the importance of life is about enjoying the present, Instead I was seeking for the happiness that wasn’t under my control.
Here’s my takeaway for you, enjoy what you currently have, if you’re dissatisfied with your current state, work towards changing that, so you’re able to enjoy the work you daily perform. You don’t want your older self to look back , and wish you had cherished every moment.

Time can be a friend, enemy, and your answers.

Live and enjoy life, everyday my friend.
Once again, thank-you for reading, listening, and sharing it with others. I hope you found this piece valuable.

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