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Writing Day 21

Want To Start A Podcast?

Been thinking of starting your own podcast but not sure where to begin? Well, you're in luck because today I'm sharing my starter guide to podcasting.

First, get clear on your WHY. Is it just to make money? Honestly, don't start a podcast for that reason alone. The space is super competitive. Focus on creating value and the money may follow.

Once you know your purpose, narrow your niche. Identify the specific audience you want to serve. Then craft content tailored to them.

Good news - you don't need fancy equipment to get going! Just use your iPhone and the built-in mic. It's all about the value of your content.

That said, if you can invest even $100 for a basic mic, do it. People can forgive low video quality, but bad audio is unforgivable.

If money's tight, use Adobe's free voicer enhancer to make it sound more professional.

Here's the reality - don't expect much traction for the first 10-20 episodes while you refine your style. But incrementally improve each time and you'll build an audience.

The key is consistency. Set a publishing schedule and stick to it religiously. Let your listeners know what to expect.

And promote new episodes across your social media, email lists, and other channels. Growth won't happen passively - you gotta hustle!

There you have it - a quick beginner's guide to podcasting. Let me know if you have any other questions! Once you get started, I'm happy to share tactics on equipment, editing, distribution, and growth.

Thank-you for tuning in to the 20th episode. I hope you found it valuable.
I appreciate you reading, listening, and sharing it with others.
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