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Writing Day 16

learn this odd skill.

Many times, I've seen people, when complimented on either their clothes or something note worth, the person usually shy’s away and says something like , "Oh, this old thing?" or "It was nothing, really." I hate such responses, instead of being thankful for the compliment and proudly taking it in, the person usually shy’s away and say’s some stupid shit.

Imagine you tell someone, "Hey, man those are some dope as shoes" and they reply with, "Really? I don’t even like them that much."

This implies the receiver has poor taste or judgment and characteristics. Elon Musk, when praised for his achievements with SpaceX and Tesla, he doesn't dismiss or downplay the compliment. Instead, he often redirects the companies and his achievements to the team's hard work, properly appreciating the interviewers compliment.

So, the next time someone offers you a praise or a thanks, resist the tendency to deflect.
A simple "Thank you" does the job. If someone thanks you for a favor, consider responding with, "I know you'd do the same for me." This not only acknowledges the gratitude, but also strengthens the respect between the both of you.

By graciously accepting compliments, we not only boost our self-esteem but also encourage positive future interactions. After all, in the words of Maya Angelou:
"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Once again, thank-you for tuning in to the 16th episode. I hope you found it valuable.
I appreciate you reading, listening, and sharing it with others.
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