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Writing Day 13

Making money is a drug. Not the money part. But, the making of the money.

It’s ironic, because people “work hard” to get out of the rat race, so they start their own business or they entrepreneurial journey, Yet, they often find themselves clocking in more hours than they did in their regular jobs.

This endless cycle can them drained, which not only causes them to perform worse, but impacting their mental and physical well-being in a negative way.

I heard this story, about this entrepreneur who was working twelve to sixteen hours a day making money. With hundreds of millions of dollars in assets he just could not let go, he was trapped. He was addicted and couldn’t rap his head around why this was the case?

He hated it and thought it was pathetic. He thought, people with the most toys in life are the winners. But, he realized that real winners are people who know their limits and respect them.

Eventually he found a way out. he handed over the control of his businesses to younger people who were getting into the business. And cleaned up his personal life and began focusing on his health, and doing what he wanted to do and not what he felt he had to do.

Key takeaway: Stop overworking on the things, you don’t want to be working on, instead find tasks that bring you joy and happiness.

Thank-you for tuning in to the 13th episode. I hope you found it valuable.
I appreciate you reading, listening, and sharing it with others.

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