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Vaultr Launch Dashboard

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Offer Creation

Who to sell to (initial ideas for discussion):

B2B Digital Agencies (asia, europe, australia, latam, africa? + USA) → identify some growing niches [SOLUTION AWARE, sell the anti agency offer, take it in house] → try 2-3 (high volume, piggy back on GROWING niches like CRO, email, UGC, tiktok, PR, web design, video creation, AI implementors)
Look at where the VC money is flowing (rising tide) → identify 3-4
Easily a scalable 500k+ pm offer with paid ads (once validated + case studies)
I know the psychology of these guys inside and out. they get slammed with offers, which can be good (proven) if we have a unique mechanism and angle
Niche/boutique c
Consultants selling B2B (supply chain, compliance/auditing, corp training & development, recruitment)
Could find some golden nuggets in here (just untested and likely at problem aware stage)
Government grant/tax incentives agencies (selling free money, want to outreach a ton of companies)
This is a dope market for an agency (cut an affiliate deal), could probably clean up, unsure how many there are to sell to
Equipment manufacturers or something in a boomer industry (medical, pharma, auto, freight etc) → big question mark around this one (untested, will do some digging)
B2B SaaS companies → that are using agencies (recently funded?), $1m+ ARR, want proven frameworks → 18k leads of recently funded (easy start)


High-Throughput, Targeted B2B Lead Gen Powered by your new AI Asset

An AI-Leveraged Lead Gen Asset your business owns for life (your most valuable revenue generating asset)
Supercharge your lead gen in-house and TAKE OWNERSHIP of a revenue generating asset (fully automated)
Build & invest in a long term growth asset (Never be held hostage by agencies or SDRs) . Own your leadgen
Without paying-per-lead, agency retainers or being held hostage by a sales team - fully automated and managed by 1 SDR!
No marketing agency, organic, content, PR,

Full trained AI setter (no inbox management!)
Offer, targeting and engagement optimization
Full implementation, training and support (buy once, own for life)

Qualified leads on demand or you don’t pay (full refund) - ROI Guaranteed or your money back (180 days, but we have to complete the 12 week setup)

Angle for Agencies (sophisticated, saturated): stealth startup with sales/AI background, at cost implementation for qualifying partners (with results guarantee) → build you a revenue generating asset with custom trained AI ($ on demand) → build once, own forever (full implementation + support)
Get $5,000 in AI credits + free + refund

What is it

12 Week Setup, Implementation and Handover
4 week system/infrastructure setup (assisted)
Senders →Mailreef (vaultr wl service via form, $250 pm + $0.001 per email)
Smartlead (WL) → AI categorization + autoresponder + nuturing sequences by status
Email flows, offers and ICP → frameworks (convert sales assets + past emails)
Lead sourcing + verification ($389/1m) →
Nurture page → sales letter, resources, video, info sheet
4 week AI training phase
Custom models, fine tuning AI, vectorized database
4 week monitored growth & scale
Dedicated onboarding specialist - get setup with just 4 hours per week
Vaultr frameworks, methodology & SOPs
Full staff training, documentation and handover
Access to Vaultr lead database + partner APIs + custom scraper (1 per client) → maybe service
Vaultr market & competitor scanner → maybe 12 months of service, then bill per call


$8-20k upfront (or on 3 month payment plan)
12 months of infrastructure + AM support + optimization audits/cycles (up to 3)
5,000 triple verified, AI enriched leads per month (our DB) + 50% rolls over mtm + $/lead extra
12 months of vaultr ai sender + inbox manager (WL smartlead)
12 months access to vaultr scan

To start sending emails

Email flows (3-4 emails) + offer variants
Generic Vaultr landing page
Pricing: $15k upfront setup + 12 month lock in at $2k pm
Defined ICPs

Things to Figure Out

How to quickly train an AI Agent autoresponder (setter) + keep improving it with data → email first
Already created AI categorisation on smartlead platform (Philip)
Build autoresponder agent on top of Smartlead platform? (feed in their own emails) → can be done (open ai assistant API call, general training for staff → dev skill: backend, apis, db interaction (airtable)
What data sources to scrape to improve messaging (competitor + market, news, trends + job data) + how to store/query it efficiently for use (Vaultr Scan → USP asset)
What market inputs (data sources) are most useful for offer/pitch personalization:
Competitors, job data,
Agents crawling
Dev reqs: database management (airtable), apis, stack ai?, job management,
Biz analyst to think hard about this → what data is most useful to scrape
Lead enrichment with LinkedIn + Website + Scan Data → extract into useful summary

Targeted outreach methodology - offer angles / playbooks / templates / resources (combine data)

Shit to Build + Who to Hire [Studio]

Dope ass lander → B2B designer (UI/UX) + Pixel perfect webflow nerd + template
Client management platform (vaultr) → webflow + memberflow (UI/UX designer + implementor)
Frameworks, processes + SOPs / documents → designer
Onboarding process → OTS platform + friendly face b2b onboarding girl
Database scraping, storage and $$$ querying (make, airtable) → data, scraper / automations nerd
Formalize step by step process (shadow agency, formalize in SOPs) → Ops nerd

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