
Some Tips

1. Use Teams

Microsoft Teams is one of the most powerful ways to connect and communicate with your team both remotely and in office.

2. Quick Video Chats

Because communication happens in more than one dimension. 1 Short video chat can say 10,000 words. Here’s how you can start a video chat and even add multiple people right from teams.

3. Full Blown Video Meetings

Ready to level up your remote game? Here's how to create a video meeting for a group of people (up to 100).

4. Phone Holder Hack

Need to do some video chatting but don’t have your webcam available? Here's a cheap holder for your phone using a cheap plastic cup.

5. Some Further Teams Training

Head here for more tips and tricks straight from Microsoft!

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This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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