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General Rules


All the common house rules to maintain a happy and productive living space

Kitchen :

Clean up after yourself: Wash your dishes, utensils, and cooking tools immediately after use and maintain cleanliness in shared kitchen spaces.
Label your food: Clearly mark your food items with your name and date to avoid confusion and prevent food wastage.
Share common supplies: Contribute to shared supplies like cleaning products, spices, and condiments to ensure fairness and equal distribution.

Quiet Hours :

Respect designated quiet hours: Establish specific hours during which noise levels should be kept to a minimum to promote a peaceful living environment.
Use headphones: When engaging in activities like listening to music or watching movies, use headphones to avoid disturbing others during quiet hours.
Communicate in advance: If you anticipate the need for additional quiet during a specific time, such as studying or working on a project, inform your roommates to ensure mutual understanding.

Hosting :

Prior notice and consent: Seek consent from your roommates before hosting guests or having overnight visitors, and provide advanced notice to ensure everyone is aware.
Set guest limits: Establish guidelines on the maximum number of guests allowed at any given time to prevent overcrowding and discomfort for other roommates.
Respect shared spaces: Ensure that your guests are respectful of common areas, clean up after themselves, and adhere to the rules and expectations of the living arrangement.

Cleaning :

Regular cleaning schedule: Establish a rotating schedule or designated days for each roommate to take responsibility for cleaning shared spaces like the living room, bathroom, and common areas.
Clean up after yourself immediately: Avoid leaving personal belongings or messes in shared spaces, and promptly clean up any spills or messes you create.
Communicate about cleanliness concerns: If you notice any cleanliness issues, address them respectfully and discuss solutions with your roommates to maintain a clean and comfortable living environment.

Bathroom etiquette:

Establish guidelines for maintaining cleanliness and sharing bathroom amenities.

Personal belongings:

Respect each other's personal space and belongings, seeking permission before borrowing or using items belonging to roommates.

Overnight guests:

Set guidelines for the frequency and duration of overnight guests to ensure everyone's comfort and privacy.

Utilities and bills:

Agree on how utilities and bills will be divided and establish a system for timely payment.
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