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User Research

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JTBD Personas

Understand the customer.
Last edited 122 days ago by Ashton Coghlan

JTBD Personas: The Solo Entrepreneur

Looking to make better decisions for their business. They may be struggling with balancing their short-term needs with their long-term goals, and they want a decision-making tool that can help them navigate these challenges. They value flexibility, adaptability, and user-friendliness in a decision-making framework, and they want to be able to integrate diverse decision-making frameworks and mental models into their process. They are willing to invest time and resources into learning how to use a new tool, but they need to see clear benefits and outcomes before committing fully.

The Team Leader

Responsible for making decisions that impact their team's performance and success. They may be dealing with complex issues that require input and buy-in from multiple stakeholders, and they want a decision-making tool that can help them navigate these challenges. They value collaboration, communication, and transparency in a decision-making framework, and they want to be able to integrate diverse perspectives and opinions into their process. They are willing to invest in a tool that can help them streamline their decision-making process and improve their team's outcomes.

The Personal Growth Seeker

Interested in personal growth and development and wants to make better decisions in all areas of their life. They may be looking to change careers, start a new hobby, or make a significant life change, and they want a decision-making tool that can help them navigate these challenges. They value a holistic approach to decision-making, focusing not just on short-term outcomes but also on long-term impact and alignment with their values and goals. They are looking for a tool that can help them gain insights into their decision-making patterns, learn from their mistakes, and continuously improve their decision-making skills. They are willing to invest time and resources into learning how to use a new tool if it can help them achieve their personal growth goals.

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