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Starter: Let's start
Let's start

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Домашнее задание

Задание №1: Listening + Speaking

Посмотрите видео, повторяйте фразы во время пауз, а под видео вас ждет тест :).

Задание №2: Reading

Прочитай и ответь на вопрос после текста.
Hi! My name is Jen. I am ten years old and my hobby is making cupcakes.
Hi! I am Alex. I am twelve. My hobbies are computer and computer games!
Hello! I am Lian and I am twelve. My hobby is skateboarding. I love all sports, really.
Hey! My name is Lukas! I am from Spain but I am in the UK now. My hobbies are Music and Maths.
Вопрос: Who is not from the UK?

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