Eisenhower Matrix

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Eisenhower Matrix Model Results

is is urgently needed?
Is it mission critical?
Problem to Solve
Problem to Solve
if the CCID isn't unique to each choice, we won't be able to link the finalized item setup attributes for those styles to the correct choice rows in a MAP Buy
I have more than 12 programs in my assortment
I get an error when I try to add a choice and the vendor field is populated.
I use the group choices by function in every single buy plan, but it goes away when you get to the weekly receipts. Can we have it show up there + on the buy plan when you export into Excel?
Product attribute values don't tell me enough (dept, class, selling channel)
When a KP2 is not attached to a program, the calculation comparing KP2 to my buysheet is wrong
Better attached KP2 indicator
Really annoying to have to open vary dates but scroll for days to try and manipulate the dates by cluster. Would rather open vary dates and have the column open as wide as it can.
when current retail value is null in MDM, we pull original retail, which impacts our POs
Would like to see a sum of the number of choices that are listed in the buy plan portion of MAP in the aggregations summary vs having to manually count and see if I have enough or have over-choiced.
IMU subtotal calc is incorrect
As Read Only viewer, we cannot see the entire style name for the style. Hovering over doesn't show the style name and also cannot click on the style. We have to export to see what the style name is.
The Purpose Alignment Model is an alternative to the of feature categorization and provides a solution to the common problem that occurs of that method, which is when most of your potential features end up in the "Must have" category.
One of the ways this model helps us out of the problem of all features being "Must have" is that is has two options for "Must": Features that are must have and are market differentiating, and features that are must have but just need to be done. This let's us look at features we must have in terms of ones that can get away with being just good enough, and the ones where we really need to excel.


Differentiating: Mission critical, market differentiating

Your Differentiating Features

if the CCID isn't unique to each choice, we won't be able to link the finalized item setup attributes for those styles to the correct choice rows in a MAP Buy
I have more than 12 programs in my assortment
I get an error when I try to add a choice and the vendor field is populated.
I use the group choices by function in every single buy plan, but it goes away when you get to the weekly receipts. Can we have it show up there + on the buy plan when you export into Excel?
Product attribute values don't tell me enough (dept, class, selling channel)
When a KP2 is not attached to a program, the calculation comparing KP2 to my buysheet is wrong

About Differenating

Both mission critical and differentiating. This is the area where organizations should focus most of their investment. For such items, good just isn't enough, excellence is required. When people think of your company, these are the things they think about.

Parity: Mission critical, non-market differentiating

Your Parity Features

when current retail value is null in MDM, we pull original retail, which impacts our POs
Would like to see a sum of the number of choices that are listed in the buy plan portion of MAP in the aggregations summary vs having to manually count and see if I have enough or have over-choiced.
IMU subtotal calc is incorrect
As Read Only viewer, we cannot see the entire style name for the style. Hovering over doesn't show the style name and also cannot click on the style. We have to export to see what the style name is.

About Parity

Mission critical, but not market differentiating. These are things that have to be done, but they can just be good enough. Making them significantly better than the competition is an over-investment.
Features in this category have a lower saturation point where additional investment in more features or better performance won't produce additional returns. Over-investment here could mean allocating resources that could be spent more effectively on Differentiating features.
Consider implementing off-the-shelf solution or the simplest thing that could work and avoid building your own custom solution. Examples: customer support or credit-card processing for online stores.

Partner: Non-mission critical, market differentiating

Your Partner Features

About Partner

Market differentiating opportunities that aren't mission critical, but can differentiate and differentiate your company.
As the capabilities to develop these features might not be a core competency of your organization, in order to take advantage of these opportunities, the recommendation in the Purpose Alignment Model is to find an organization where these activities are differentiating and partner with them.

Who Cares: Non-mission critical, non-market differentiating

Your Who Cares Features

Better attached KP2 indicator
Really annoying to have to open vary dates but scroll for days to try and manipulate the dates by cluster. Would rather open vary dates and have the column open as wide as it can.

About Who Cares

Ideas that aren't mission critical or market differentiating. These features should probably not be done.
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