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Case Study #1: Spotify

icon picker
Team Member #1


Your goal is to make a data table for 7 of your favorite songs.


Your table must have 7 songs (these are the rows)
TWO of those songs must be from the same album.
TWO of those songs should be from the same artist, but DIFFERENT albums.
Your table must have at least 5 columns, or “attributes”.
Make sure to name the columns! These attributes can be whatever YOU think is important information to record about the song. What would you want to see when you’re looking at your music player?
Fill out ALL the information for the whole table. No cells should be empty!
Use the correct data types for each column.
Make sure to pick one when you go to create a new column. You can change this later using the drop-down menu (change the column type)

Ready, set, GO!

To make a table, just type /table. Or click the + button on the left side and select “table”.
Name your table “[Your Name] Song Table”.
⚠️ Make sure to create a new table - do NOT connect to the existing “Songs” table. ⚠️

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