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Process: New Course Webpage

New course webpage creation process consists of 4 stages and involves internal departments and third party services.
Last edited 175 days ago by Andrey Petrushko

Stage 1. Initial Set Up

Aim: To set up the necessary software for delivering the training course and to gather the initial information required for the next Content Creation stage.


Request the required information from management
Set up the initial SMS elements list
Create a new program and occurrence, and obtain the program URL using SMS
Request the SEO permalink from the marketing team


New program
New occurrence
Completed Starting Info form

Involved Teams

ET Management
ET Compliance Edway Admin
ET Admin
ET Marketing

Stage 2. Content Creation

Aim: To create webpage content required for webpage publishing.


Conduct ASQA research (for accredited courses only)
Conduct government authorities and industry bodies research
Conduct other RTOs research


Research findings are recorded
Content is updated

Involved Teams

Et Development

Stage 3. Webpage Building

To build and publish website


update permalink
create and update calendar
update content
publish website


updated content
working calendar
live website

Involved Teams

ET Development

Stage 4. Finishing Touches

To finish the process up by performing post launch tasks.


request webpage SEO update
request Google AdWords campaign
update confirmation email
request and process feedback
create and update FAQs block
update group training block
create new background pictures (optional)


completed SEO update
live Google AdWords campaign
updated FAQs and Group Training
processed feedback

Involved Teams

ET Development
ET Marketing
ET Management
ET Compliance

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