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Section A.: Excessive Lateness, No-Shows, Partner Communication Breakdown, and Lack of Preparedness for Scheduled Vaccination Events

Lack of Preparedness of Scheduled Vaccination Events

In our commitment to delivering efficient and well-prepared vaccination events, CFH has identified key strategies to address the challenge of lack of preparedness. Ensuring that our events run smoothly and seamlessly is paramount to our mission. CFH recognizes that proper preparation is not only essential for delivering high-quality healthcare services but also for instilling confidence in our community partners and patients. To address the issues we've encountered in the past, CFH has developed a comprehensive set of improvement strategies. These strategies encompass everything from robust training and supply management to effective communication channels and quality assurance checks. By implementing these strategies, CFH aims to enhance our event preparedness, minimize delays, and provide a seamless experience for all involved parties

A2: Lack of Preparedness of Scheduled Vaccination Events:

Mitigation Strategy A2: Improving Event Preparedness

A2.1: Pre-event Checklist:

CFH has developed the Event Details Sheet which is a comprehensive pre-event checklist that outlines all the necessary supplies, equipment, and tasks required for each type of vaccination event.

A2.2: Supply Inventory Management:

CFH has established a supply inventory management system that provides real-time tracking of disposables, and critical supplies. Our regular meetings with Warehouse Technicians occur on a weekly basis, during which CFH assess inventory levels and initiate procurement requests when necessary. Additionally, our Warehouse Technicians conduct thorough monthly inventory inspections at both our main office and offsite storage unit. As our clinic capacity continues to expand, CFH will explore the potential implementation of a professional warehouse management system to further enhance our inventory management capabilities.

A2.3: Internal Communication Channels:

CFH has established clear communication channels between Event Coordinators, Scheduling Coordinators, and field staff. Ensure that any last-minute changes or updates are promptly relayed to all relevant team members.
A2.3.1: Communicating Event Changes Between Event Coordinators, Scheduling Coordinator, and Field Staff
Create Specific Chats:
Utilize the Connecteam App to establish group or sector-specific chats for effective communication among key staff members.
Set up chats tailored for Event Coordinators, Schedulers, and Event Coordination teams to facilitate focused discussions.
Access Event Coordination Chat:
If Scheduling Coordinators have inquiries or require specific event details, they can access the Event Coordination Chat.
Communicate with Event Coordinators:
Within the Event Coordination Chat, Scheduling Coordinators can interact with Event Coordinators to gather event-specific information or address any questions.
Notify Site Changes:
Event Coordinators can also use the Event Coordination Chat to communicate any site changes, such as rescheduled dates or adjusted event times, ensuring that everyone involved is informed.
Edit Event Detail Sheets:
Event Detail Sheets can be edited within the chat in cases where event sites are unable to provide certain essential supplies like tables or chairs.
Confirm Changes:
Once edits have been made to shifts and calendars based on the discussions in the chat, Scheduling Coordinators confirm within the chat that the changes have been implemented.
Automated Notifications:
The system automatically sends notifications to the assigned field staff when edits are made to their shifts, ensuring they are aware of any modifications.
Text Notifications (if applicable):
If edits are made less than 12 hours before the scheduled event, the scheduling team sends a text message to the field staff to inform them of the shift change for their awareness.

A2.4: External Communication:

CFH will prioritize clear and effective communication with our partners, both direct and indirect, such as the Live Well on Wheels team, to ensure that site expectations are well-defined and understood. This proactive approach will enhance our collaboration and streamline event coordination.

A2.5: Site Evaluation:

Prior to each new event location, our Event Coordinators will conduct a site evaluation to assess the location's suitability for vaccination clinics. They will work with the site contact or 3rd party partner to identify any logistical issues such as parking, access, or space constraints and address them in advance.

A2.7: Event Documentation:

Event Coordinators complete and submit detailed Event Detail Sheets for every event as stated in S. Event documentation is also captured in the Event Coordinator’s Event Tracking Sheet which list the clinic’s point of contact and logistical details.

A2.8: Event Readiness Meetings:

CFH host weekly check in meetings involving Event Coordinators, and Scheduling Coordinators. During these meetings, review event-specific details and confirm that all parties are prepared as stated in

A2.9: Feedback Loop:

CFH has established a feedback loop where field staff can provide input on event preparedness and suggest improvements. This feedback is taken into account in the ongoing refinement of event preparation processes.

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