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Section A.: Excessive Lateness, No-Shows, Partner Communication Breakdown, and Lack of Preparedness for Scheduled Vaccination Events

Excessive Lateness and No-Shows at Vaccination Events

In response to the challenges previously outlined, our organization has proactively implemented a robust mitigation strategy aimed at enhancing event coordination and ensuring timely execution of our vaccination clinics. Recognizing the importance of addressing performance concerns and streamlining our processes, CFH has undertaken comprehensive measures to bolster our event coordination framework. The following mitigation strategy outlines a series of steps, tools, and workflows designed to address the identified challenges and pave the way for a more efficient, effective, and timely approach to event scheduling and execution

A1: Excessive Lateness and No-Shows at Vaccination Events:

Mitigation Strategy A1: Improving Event Coordination and Timeliness

A1.1: Scheduling Coordinators:

To enhance event coordination and timeliness, CFH has incorporated Scheduling Coordinators to our event coordination process. They have the responsibility of adding events to the work schedule, master calendar, MyTurn, and the 211 calendars.

A1.2: Enhanced Communication:

An essential aspect of our strategy is implementing a streamlined communication process between Event Coordinators and Scheduling Coordinators. This process will ensure accurate and timely event scheduling and should include clear channels for sharing event details and updates.
Below are the steps from partner interest to event scheduling and the tracking of key tasks for efficient coordination:
A1.2.1: Partner Interest to Event Scheduling Process:
Step 1: Partner Interest
When a potential partner expresses interest in hosting a vaccine clinic, they are required to complete our
Step 2: Event Coordinator Assignment
The submitted response is then directed to the appropriate Event Coordinator based on the type of organization interested. For example:
If it's a shelter showing interest, it goes to the Homeless Clinic Coordinator.
If it's a church, it's assigned to the Community Clinic Coordinator.
Step 3: Clinic Scheduling
The designated Event Coordinator initiates communication with the partner to discuss and schedule the clinic, as well as confirm event details.
Step 4: Event Submission
When the clinic is ready to be added to the schedule, the Event Coordinator, completes the and the Event Detail Sheet.
Step 5: Notification to Scheduling Coordinators
After the event submission is made, an automated notification is sent to the Scheduling Coordinators via email.
Step 6: Identifying New Submissions
The newly submitted event response is highlighted in red on the Scheduling Coordinator's tracking sheet. This red color indicates that the event has not yet been added to the Connecteam app or other calendars.
Step 7: Review and Communication
Scheduling Coordinators review the new event submission. If they have any questions or require clarifications, they reach out to the relevant Event Coordinator for further information.
Step 8: Adding to Connecteam
If there are no outstanding issues, Scheduling Coordinators proceed to add the new event to the Connecteam app, which is used for scheduling shifts. Once added, they mark it as completed on the Scheduling Coordinator's tracking sheet.
Step 9: Task Completion Indicators
As each task is completed, the row on the tracking sheet automatically changes colors to provide visual indicators:
Orange indicates that the event has been added to Connecteam.
Teal indicates that it has been added to the Master Calendar.
Purple signifies inclusion in MyTurn.
Green represents integration into the 211 calendar.

A1.3: Scheduling Coordinator Event Sheets Form:

To facilitate the communication of event details from the Event Coordinators to the Scheduling Coordinators, CFH has created the Scheduling Coordinator Event Sheets Submission Form. This form captures vital event information, such as the event name, date, day of the week, month, set-up time, event time, event site type, and the name of the Event Coordinator overseeing that sector. Event Coordinators complete this form when an event is ready to be added to the work and other calendars.

A1.4: Event Detail Sheet:

CFH has created the Event Detail Sheet to summarize details for both scheduling and field staff. Event Coordinators complete the Event Detail Sheet with the clinic’s specific details and are required upload the document on the Scheduling Coordinator’s Event Sheets Form submission. This sheet contains comprehensive event information, including logistics, equipment requirements, and specific responsibilities. See A1.4.1 Attachment 1 for an example:

A1.5: Automated Tracking:

To facilitate efficient tracking, the Scheduling Coordinator’s Event Sheet has an automated system that records responses from the Event Submission Form and color-codes them for easy identification. For example, a row highlighted in red indicates an events that have not been added to the Connecteam schedule, or any other calendars. The sheet also sends email notifications to the Scheduling Coordinators and Director of Community Health when new submissions are received, and when changes are made to the event row.
A1.5.1: Figure 3 - Scheduling Coordinator’s Event Sheet Legend

A1.6: Real-time Monitoring:

Real-time monitoring is an integral part of our daily operations. Our Scheduling Coordinators diligently incorporate this practice into their routine by regularly reviewing the Event Submission Form responses, Connecteam Schedule, and the Scheduling Coordinator's Event Sheet. On a daily basis, they meticulously check for new submissions and ensure that all tasks are accounted for. Additionally, they pay close attention to the Event Detail Sheet, looking for any missing notes or last-minute updates from Event Coordinators.
To enhance our monitoring process, our Scheduling Coordinators engage in weekly meetings with the Director of Community Health. During these meetings, they collectively review the schedule to identify any missing shifts or inaccuracies. Our team conducts thorough examinations of the master calendar and MyTurn to confirm the successful addition of events.
To complement this effort, our Event Coordinators also participate in weekly meetings with the Director of Community Health, where they scrutinize the Connecteam schedule and verify the accuracy and completeness of event information. This collaborative approach ensures that CFH can promptly address any red-coded events and proactively prevent scheduling delays.

A1.7: Training and Onboarding:

CFH will continue our training and onboarding processes for Scheduling Coordinators to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle event scheduling efficiently. CFH use innovative technologies such as Coda, Smartsheet, and Tango to create workflows and training guides to meet their needs. See A1.7.1 and A1.7.2 for training examples:

A1.8: Performance Metrics:

Establishing key performance metrics will be essential to measure the effectiveness of the new event coordination process. CFH will monitor the percentage of events added to the Connect schedule on time and track improvements over time.

A1.9: Continuous Improvement:

Fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the Event Coordination team is a priority. CFH will regularly review feedback from Scheduling Coordinators and Event Coordinators to identify areas for further enhancement.

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