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Say hi to Studio Manager

your customizable music studio documentation and planning tool

Studio Manager V.0.1. studio demo pt.1.gif

Studio Manager helps you:


your music equipment (value, serial #, warranty info, manuals, etc.)


to insurance claims or police reports for damaged or stolen gear


gear requirements for travel and live performance


presets and settings used on various tracks


virtual studios, sessions, and performances

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designed and built with love by:
Suite of Services & Logo - morning strategy logo2 (2).jpg

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STUDIO MANAGER is a customizable studio in two modules:

1. Studio: document gear and presets

instrument inclusive database (bring your guitars, modular synths, effects, etc.)
preset manager
apply gear condition & personal ratings
add purchase info, current value, serial #s and warranty details
print a gear inventory for insurance purposes
includes a manufacturer and contacts CRM/database
add notes and upload photos & gear manuals

Studio Manager V.0.1. studio demo pt.2.gif

2. Sessions: build virtual recording sessions

model your session setup in a virtual patching environment
multiple gear connections types available (audio, midi, USB)
choose gear from current inventory & wish lists
separate studio builds from live performance setups from dream builds
embed performances (YouTube, etc.)
add session & connection notes and upload photos

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Get it on Gumroad

Studio Manager is currently in beta and runs on the free tier of a nocode platform that’s part document, part database, part webpage, part app.... The power of Coda is that it lets you - the user - customize the feel and function of Studio Manager. Nothing is hidden or barred from editing.

get beta on GUMROAD

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My Story

Before Studio Manager, I didn’t keep track of my gear. I had about $18k in synths and other hardware in my small bedroom studio, all undocumented beyond a few pics, vids and a handful of email receipts. Thankfully I’d never had to make an insurance claim, because all I had were a handful of email receipts and old studio photos to prove ownership of my gear.
Worse than that, I’d listen back to past recording sessions and have no idea what equipment or presets I’d used. I was constantly starting sound design from scratch rather than leveraging my past presets. I couldn’t recall enough detail from previous sessions to recapture their magic or translate them for live performance.
So I built Studio Manager to solve these problems.
Thanks for your interest, and good skill to you!
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my previous gear documentation: photos

here’s my head:

Suite of Services & Logo - morning strategy logo2 (2).jpg
(c) 2022

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