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Typical Epics & User Stories for Mobile and Web Apps

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Notification Inbox Epic

Notification types should be defined in detail separately. Each notification type should clearly contain the following:
content (image, tile, description, video duration, time of sent, etc.);
trigger (send after password change, on new content, etc);
Notification Inbox Stories
User Stories
As a user, I want to be able to quickly see new notifications that have arrived since my last visit, so that I can stay up to date on any important updates without having to dig through a long list of past notifications.
As a user, I want to be able to quickly see a list of old notifications, so as to have track of my important updates.
As a user, I want the app to automatically mark individual notifications as "read" as I scroll through the new list, so that I can keep track of which ones I've already seen and which ones I still need to review.
As a user, I want to have the option to clear all new notifications, so that I can keep my inbox clean.
As a user, I want to be able to see a preview of the content of each notification in the list view, so that I can quickly determine which ones are most important or relevant to me.
As a user, I want to be able to see how long ago each notification was received so that I can prioritize my review of the most recent ones.
As a user, I want to be able to receive notifications on multiple devices, so that I can stay informed even when I'm not at my computer.
As a user, I want to have a action link/button some of the notifications, so that I can quickly go and see the details/content related to them.
As a user, I want to be able to see a badge or other indicator on the notification inbox icon when there are new notifications, so that I can easily see at a glance if I have new notifications.
As a user, I want to see in-app notifications when I’m actively using the app and a notification arrives, so I don’t miss out on them.
As a user, I want to see a clean indication that content is being fetched for the notification (loading), so as not to be confused by viewing incomplete data.
As a user, I want to see an empty state screen when I don’t have any notifications in my inbox or history so that the design remains nice and consistent.
As a developer, I want to create a notification system that is scalable and can handle a large volume of notifications, so that the system can grow and adapt to the needs of the user.
As a developer, I want to create an efficient and performant system for storing and retrieving notification data, so that the system can respond quickly to user requests and searches without overloading the system with web calls and unnecessary UI drawings.
As a developer, I want to implement lazy loading for the notification inbox, so that notifications are loaded only as the user scrolls, which will improve page load times and reduce the amount of data transfer.
As a developer, I want to implement client-side in-memory caching for notifications, so that notifications that have been previously loaded will only be refreshed, without using a loading screen, which will reduce server load and network traffic.
As a developer, I want to optimize the notification inbox for mobile devices, by minimizing the amount of data transfer, and ensuring that the user interface is responsive and touch-friendly.
As a developer, I want to implement server-side pagination for the notification inbox, so that only a subset of notifications are returned with each request, which will improve page load times and reduce the amount of data transfer.
As a developer, I want to implement real-time updates for the notification inbox, by refreshing the list each time a new notification is received, so that users receive new notifications as soon as they are available, without the need to refresh the page.

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