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Typical Epics & User Stories for Mobile and Web Apps

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Legal and Documents Epic

Legal and Documents Stories
User Stories
As a user, I want to be able to easily locate and access the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents, so that I can understand the website's rules and policies before I start using it.
As a user, I want to be assured that the website is providing me with the most current version of its Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents, so that I can trust that the website is following its own rules and policies.
As a user, I want to be able to see the date that the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents were last updated, so that I can make sure that I'm reading the latest version.
As an admin, I want to be able to easily update the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents, so that I can ensure that they accurately reflect the website's current rules and policies.
As an admin, I want to be able to publish new versions of the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents, so that users can easily access the latest version and stay informed about any changes to the website's rules and policies.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents are available in HTML format, so that the admin can easily format them to ensure they are clear and easy to read for users.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents are available in a format that is mobile-friendly and responsive, so that users can easily view and understand them on their mobile devices.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents are available in a format that is search engine optimized, so that users can easily find them when they search for information about the website's rules and policies.
As a developer, I want to be able to easily update the website's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy documents URLs in Firebase Remote Config, so that I can ensure that they accurately reflect the website's current rules and policies.

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