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Chat Epics

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Basic Chat Epic

Basic Chat Stories
User Stories
As a user, I want to be able to send text messages to my friends and family members so that I can stay in touch with them easily and quickly.
As a user, I want to be able to send emojis in my messages so that I can express myself better and add more personality to my messages.
As a user, I want to receive push notifications when I receive new messages so that I can stay up-to-date with my conversations even when I'm not actively using the chat app.
As a user, I want to see the status of my messages (e.g. sent, delivered, read) so that I can know whether my messages have been received and read by the other person.
As a user, I want the chat app to detect and display email addresses, phone numbers, and links in messages so that I can easily take action on them (e.g. clicking on a link to open it in my browser).
As a user, I want to be able to search for specific messages or conversations so that I can easily find important information or previous conversations.
As a user, I want to be able to archive or delete conversations so that I can keep my chat app organized and clean.
As a user, I want to be able to see when someone is typing a message to me so that I can anticipate when I might receive a response.
As a user, I want to be able to block or report other users who are being abusive or harassing so that I can feel safe and secure while using the chat app.
As a user, I want to be able to see the time stamps of messages so that I can know when a message was sent or received.
As a user, I want to be able to see my chat history even if I switch to a new device so that I can pick up where I left off and not lose any important conversations.
As a user, I want to be able to use the chat app on multiple devices simultaneously so that I can continue my conversations on any device I choose.
As a user, I want to be able to delete messages that I've already sent in case I make a mistake or change my mind.
As a user, I want to be able to see my chat history in chronological order so that I can easily track the progress of a conversation.
As an admin, I want to be able to block or remove inappropriate or offensive content that violates the organization's policies or local laws, to protect users and maintain a positive environment.
As an admin, I want to be able to respond to user reports of inappropriate or offensive content, and take action to investigate and address the reported content.
As a developer, I want to create a user-friendly chat interface that is easy for users to navigate and use.
As a developer, I want to ensure that push notifications are implemented so that users are notified of new messages even when the chat app is closed.
As a developer, I want to implement message status indicators (e.g. delivered, read) so that users can know the status of their messages.
As a developer, I want to implement link detection in messages so that users can click on links and be directed to the relevant web page or app.
As a developer, I want to implement emoji support so that users can express themselves using emojis and add personality to their messages.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the chat app is responsive and performs well on different devices and screen sizes.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the chat app is secure and protects user data (e.g. passwords, messages) from unauthorized access.
As a developer, I want to implement a backup system for chat history so that users can access their previous conversations even when switching to a new device.
As a developer, I want to implement the ability for users to block or report other users who are being abusive or harassing to ensure the safety of all users.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the chat app has a scalable architecture that can handle a growing number of users and messages without affecting performance.
As a developer, I want to ensure that the chat app has a clean and efficient codebase that is easy to maintain and update as new features are added.

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