
CV creation - Jurek

Education & Work Experience
1988 - BA in Computer Science UCSC (University of California in Santa Cruz)
2002 - MBA GFKM, Gdansk Poland (Gdansk Foundation for Managers)
Opisać doświadczenie zawodowe
Nortel Networks (Telecommunication) 1988- 2002. 14 years of experience in Telecommunication Industry. Work experience starting as S/W Engineer in Technical Support Team in Mountain View (Silicon Valley, CA). Work including analysis, debugging and fixing software errors on already released product (PBX). 4 years in Miami (Florida) running technical support for entire CALA (Central and Latin America) region. Also working as a System Administrator of SUN OS Workstations on local in-house network. 3 years in San Jose (Silicon Valley, CA) as a S/W integration manager. Working with entire S/W development team groups on resolving S/W related integration issues. In-House Beta trials, as well as customer-ready s/w releases (2-3 new releases a year). 5 years in Paris, France, as a senior advisor and than manager of: technical support for PBX related trials issues throughout Europe. Finally as a manager for VoIP (Voice over IP) technical trials of new product releases as well as running entire s/w support teams of engineers in France and Madrid.

Owner of a franchise, Cukiernia Sowa from 2002 until present I’m running my own business with a partner in Poland. This is a franchised group of 7 locations pastries and coffee shops (Cukiernia Sowa). We are currently employing about 30 employees, managing wide range of issues including logistics, finances, market regulations and people management. My main responsibility is to assure strategic business development and maintaining the highest standards of what already is one of the most prestigious brands in Poland. At the same time, I recruit and retain a workforce that adheres to the most professional standards in industry.

Czas (mm.yy)
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Misji (Helicopter view)
I have dual citizenship: USA and Polish. I’m highly organised person, paying attention to smallest details in terms of professionalism. In this regard I don’t tolerate any slack in performance. I apply logic and common sense rules in general line of work and personal life as well. From others I expect the same. Work is all about being professional, and my personal view is that most important aspekt of work is not the project itself that we are working on at given moment but people who I’m working with and how we are working together to achieve that goal. In my opinion my best line of work is in a capacity of deep analysis, investigation, organization and problem solving. That includes both technical and people related issues. I enjoy working with other people and I’m trying to always find a common ground to avoid possible conflicts. Work organization and time management are in my opinion most crucial to achieve any measure of success. I have broad experience in working with people of diverse cultural background. Throughout my professional career I’ve worked with engineers, scientists and managers from around the world: India, Australia, Izrael, England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina .... to name a few. In my current line of business I’ve many opportunities to use skills I’ve acquired through my MBA education, but I’m missing the entire aspect of working with new technologies and engineers. I hope my new job will combine all those elements to my complete satisfaction.
About myself
I have dual citizenship: USA and Polish.
I’m highly organised person, paying attention to smallest details. In this regard I don’t tolerate any slack in performance.
I apply logic and common sense rules in general line of work and personal life as well. From others I expect the same.
Work is all about being professional, and my personal view is that most important aspekt of work is not the project itself that we are working on at given moment but people who I’m working with and how we are working together to achieve that goal.
In my opinion my best line of work is in a capacity of deep analysis, investigation, organization and problem solving. That includes both technical and people related issues. I enjoy working with other people and I’m trying to always find a common ground to avoid possible conflicts. Work organization and time management are in my opinion most crucial to achieve any measure of success.
I have broad experience in working with people of diverse cultural background. Throughout my professional career I’ve worked with engineers, scientists and managers from around the world: India, Australia, Izrael, England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, Mexico, Argentina .... to name a few.
In my current line of business I’ve many opportunities to use skills I’ve acquired through my MBA education, but I’m missing the entire aspect of working with new technologies and engineers. I hope my new job will combine all those element.
Moje 3 najlepsze cechy zawodowe
3 lub mniej, ale nie więcej.
People-first attitude.
Organisation & analytical thinking.
Versatility, ease of adaptation.
Odpowiedź na meta-pytania
Kim jestem?
Krótko o osobowości.
Co umiem?
Czego chcę?
Tip: Jaki jest mój plan na własny rozwój
Krótko i zwięźle
Najlepiej zacząć od ‘Co umiem’
‘Czego chcę’ jest na razie opcjonalne

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