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Finding your next job - The Next Step Project
Steph's braindump section

Resource braindump

[Currently a braindump]
Links for BIPOC resources to consider including:
Building your presence or applying for right role
Applying for the right role
Applying for the right role

Latinas in Tech to look up → pulled from Latinas in Tech twitter feed
M Concepcion Prado - greenfield
Carissa Parish - bonita semana
Ariadna Font Litjos - eng lead @twitter
cheryl campos - principal @republic
michele cantos - managing director @fullstack academy
Elias Torres
Alexandra Paredes
Laura Molinares
Daiquiri Ryan
gomez3_elena - cfo @zendesk

Job sites for BIPOC


- budgeting / finance / right mental space

- good links to a bunch of WiT groups
Excluded resources for now

[sthg about how when we were researching resources, it was tough to find stuff written by bippoc. This shouldn’t be the exceptional literature we find, this should be the norm. And this is our attempt to make it that. Amplify the [TBD] voice]
If you solve for ppl who belong to these groups, can solve for everyone...
Articles you can read → bullets or table [author, title, tldr]
Add Kia’s articles here → get her to set-up a Medium page and we just prioritize them on top
People you can follow → table [name, handle / link, bio + areas of focus / specialty], send an email or google form
Professional networks you can join → table + google form [crowdsourcing more resources]
Career journeys you can listen to → TBD...

Places for virtual internships - via Rob

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