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Finding your next job - The Next Step Project
Making and leveraging connections

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4. The followup

Don’t just end the conversation with your call or Zoom - follow-up, thank the person for their time, and aim to establish a longer term relationship.

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Linking back

Reference specific topics + learnings from your discussion

Express appreciation + actionability

Highlight your appreciation for their advice & how you’ll be acting on it
Make sure to update your connection with the result regardless of the outcome. For example, if you applied to an open position that they linked you to and...
You got the job - share some more appreciation!
It fell through - don’t be shy to ask for more help or for another connection!

Establish a longer term relationship

Establish a longer term connection & articulate your interest in getting connected for future roles

A final thank you + closing

A final thank you never hurts :)

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