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Campleaders abroad

Camp Leader Exchange - Virtually
Building block
Name of the session
Camp Leader Exchange - Virtually
Session objectives
to further engage experienced Camp Leaders
to give new opportunities to experienced Camp Leaders
to introduce our volunteers to different organizations and areas of the network
Venue/location: online - zoom meeting
Participating organizations and volunteers (promotion!)
Platform for registration - CODA
This activity allows to introduce experienced volunteers to different organizations and fields of the network, thus strengthening the network itself as well as enhancing the volunteers possibilities to be involved actively within their organization. As a consequence their sense of belonging will be reinforced and they stay active for a longer time span.
Often organisations fear “losing campleaders” - Stress advantages of sending campleaders abroad!
Pre-session CHECKLIST
things to do: invite all suitable camp leaders and organizations that are interested, share the promotion material on social platforms
before the event: send reminders and link to access the event
to have everything before: prepare a presentation about the objectives of the initiative and introduce the coda platform/formular to join in
Workshop at the Technical Meeting to inform other organizations about the Initiative
🎩 Pro tip: Create a presentation, set the date and send the info materials to all the interested. Make a list of everyone that attended.
Online workshop with members of the Alliance to inform about the Initiative
🎩 Pro tip: Create a presentation, set the date and send the info materials to all the interested. Make a list of everyone that attended.
Create materials to be shared on social media
🎩 Pro tip: Use the same font and colors on all steps of the process, so the event/initiative is easily identifiable.
Invite all organizations to the Camp Leader Exchange event
🎩 Pro tip: Do this several times so everyone has in mind what to do, and make a list of the steps to follow so everything is more or less homogeneous (compensation, language, conditions,...). Stress to invite all their camp leaders to the event.
Invite all Camp Leaders to the Camp Leader Exchange Event
🎩 Pro tip: Send the email 3 times, once a month before, then a week before and then the day before/the day it takes place to remind about the event.
How many organizations attended - why, why not?
How many participants attended?
How was the organization and promotion going?
Send summary of Camp Leader Exchange with link to CODA to all of the organizations and participants after the event.
TARGET GROUP size & specifics
Experienced campleaders, partner organisations of the network
30 minutes min. and 3 hours max
TO DO List
& Deadlines

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