💡 Tip: In discussion, share what you’ve learned with me (about what works and what has not). I firmly believe that by exploring these experiences we can garner important and valuable lessons
💡 Tip: I love discussions that challenge my assumptions or understanding of a topic. I also love to hear unusual and thought-provoking perspectives, regardless of my personal beliefs. Don’t take it personally if I also push back. This is meant to foster both my understanding and to return the favor by encouraging you to think differently as well.
💡 Tip: When feedback is both specific and actionable, it is one of our most valuable tools. I encourage you to provide honest feedback when I ask and I will return the favor.
💡 Tip: By default, take action and do not wait. Share constantly your theory of the game; I will collaborate and help.
💡 Tip: Ask. Share the key problems in front of you. While trying to avoid serious problems, do not worry about the unavoidable mistakes of commission that come from driving ahead at maximum speed.
💡 Tip: If you are the presenter, please don’t simply read a PowerPoint or document. If you have it prepared, send it to me prior. After that, the meeting should be purely additive.