
13 Quick Ways to Get Better at Web Design

It can be difficult to design a website for your business. An awful lot of people have expectations that you have to meet, and problems can come up that stop new ideas from coming up.
Here are some tips, tricks, short-cuts, and general pieces of advice for making great website design. Would any of these help you improve your web design?
MavericksMedia has a team of professional who work around the clock to make sure their clients are happy. People from all over the world come to us to design their websites. People from Edmonton and nearby areas can come to our office and talk about their package in person as a special service. Other people can, on the other hand, choose to meet with our experienced Edmonton web designers virtually. For most people, getting a web design is an extra cost when they already have more than one store. However, they are completely wrong because most people now prefer to shop online. Also, if your business has web design Edmonton, then customers from all over the world will be able to buy from you. If not, you will only be able to sell to people in your area. So, this is why you should have MavericksMedia build your website.

1) Start with shades of gray and then add color

You know how important it is to start with shades of gray if your web designer makes wireframes before making visual designs. After you've turned your wireframe into a grayscale design, add your photos and then carefully add color to each design element one at a time.
This will keep the website from being "overdesigned" and help draw attention to only the things that need it.

2) Make quick page prototypes with Keynote (Mac).

You don't need Photoshop to make quick prototypes of web pages, landing pages, call to actions, and other parts of a web interface. Keynote is Apple's version of PowerPoint, and there's a whole underground movement around making mockups with it.
Keynote even has an online library with user interface design templates that can be used for wireframing, prototyping, and testing mobile and web apps.

3) Make your company's style guide include web fonts

You should add web fonts to your corporate style guide if it doesn't already have them. That way, your website will follow the same rules as your corporate documents and other materials.
Google Fonts is a great place to start if you haven't already. Find a good web font and include instructions on how to use it in your company's style guide so that you always use it online.

4) Get rid of those social media icons

You worked hard to get people to your website, but now you want them to leave? In that way, putting social media icons in a visible place on your website, like the header, is the same thing. Put the icons at the bottom of the page.
You want people to stay on your website, learn about it, and maybe even ask about your services. You don't want them to go to Facebook to look at pictures of company picnics and bowling trips. People should go to your website from social media, not the other way around.

5) Get rid of the slideshow or carousel

With the rise of the homepage slideshow or image carousel, you could put a lot of information on the first page of your site. Most people don't stay on the page long enough to see all of the tiles and messages, which is wrong.
Plus, the messages and pictures usually have nothing to do with the first visit of your prospect. What is the most important thing that people who visit your website should remember? Get rid of the rest and focus on that one thing, which is usually what your business does in simple terms.

6) Make it easier to navigate

It may not make sense to limit your visitors' choices, but it can actually help them find your most useful content. Instead of giving people too many links to every page on your website, make it easier for them to find what they're looking for.
Get rid of dropdown menus, especially multi-tier dropdown navigation that only the most skilled mouse users can use. Also, cut down on the number of links in your website's header or sidebar.

7) Take out the sidebars

Along with blogs, the sidebar has been a very popular web design trend for the past ten years. Many businesses have found that taking out the sidebars from their blogs makes people pay more attention to the main content and the call to action at the end.
The number of clicks on call to action graphics on our company blog has gone up by over 35% since the sidebar was taken away.
Check out the new CMS Hub theme collection on the Envato marketplace to see how this strategy can be used.

8) Look to nature for color ideas

Having trouble deciding which colors to use on your website or in a graphic that asks people to do something? Take ideas from the outdoors. You can use your own camera to take pictures of the beautiful nature around you, or you can look for landscape pictures online and choose a color from them. The colors in nature are always beautiful.

9) Put down the computer

Planning well is the first step I think to good design. Writing down your ideas on a whiteboard or piece of paper can help you go back and change things about a design as you go. Drawing on a whiteboard is another way to get other people on the team involved in the design process and let them give their opinion.
Also, it's simple to erase pencil marks from paper or whiteboards and make quick changes. Once you have a solid base to work from, take a picture with your phone and start working on the screen.

10). Make mood boards on Pinterest

If you want to get ideas for a new website or change some parts of your current website, you need a way to keep your inspiration in one place so you can find it again later.
Did you know that you can make a mood board on Pinterest with your favorite pictures, colors, layouts, patterns, sample websites, and ideas? Another great thing about Pinterest is that other designers also make and share mood boards. These designers have already put together a huge collection of useful resources for you.

11) Make the font bigger

In web design, typography is very important. There is already a lot of text on the screen, so you need to make the important things stand out.
One way to do this is to make the fonts bigger, especially for the headings and big chunks of text. You might also want to make your normal font bigger.

12) Leave some empty space

It might be hard to believe that adding whitespace is a hack, but I check websites every day to see if they could use more of it. You don't have to fill up every empty spot on the screen.
These days, it's all about white space and simplicity, but too many businesses try to fit too much into too little space or, worse, "above the fold." Let your design breathe, and people who visit your website will find things faster.

13) Check your eyes by squinting

Want to quickly find out what your website's most important parts are? Pull your eyes away from the screen and squint. Almost everything will get fuzzy, and only the bigger, brighter, more noticeable things will stand out.
Designers say this method helps them figure out what a first-time visitor might notice as he scans your site. What's most important will the visitor see?
There are a lot of little design hacks in this blog post. I'm sure you can think of some that I haven't thought of. What is your favorite way to hack design? Enter it in the box below to share it. Add as many as you can!


there are many ways to improve your web design to make it catchy. By following the tips in this article, you can create a website that is both user-friendly and visually appealing. If you are looking for professional help with your website design, consider contacting SoftCircles a renowned company. They have a team of experienced designers who can create a website that meets your specific needs to boost your online presence in the world.
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