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Values in Spatial Development
Values in Spatial Development

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Together homes

We help you buying a home with a group of friends

10/24/2023, 10:00 PM
by: Thijs Van Amelsfort

- the overal idea
- newness of the idea
- the need for capital

Problem statement

its impossible to buy a home on a single income
for dinkies (double income no kids) its easier, but still very hard to find the right property.
a possible solution would be to join forces with another couple and buying a property together, however, multiple quetions arise.
How do I start?
Is a certain property suitable for housing multiple families?
What does the municipality think of your proposition?
Which bank will finance your idea?
How does it work?

O, O, O
omvangrijk, onderbelicht en overkomelijk?

Value proposition

We are here to take away the uncertainties. We help with setting up your programme of requirements and finding the right property. We have a strong network of municipalities, real estate agents and mortgage banks. One of our key features is that we’ll make a plan for your permit and conduct a preliminary consultation with the municipality based upon a quick development plan, written down in a fancy booklet.

Competition / examples

As far as known, there are no real estate developers whom focus specifically on acquiring and developing real estate for a multiple household target group

Customer segment

DINKs, YUPs and other highly educated people looking for a home in or around one of the larger cities of the Netherlands. There are approximately 2,3 million people between 25 and 35 of which 50% is higher educated, thus the target group is around 1 million.


Communication: the goal is to develop for our own network. Maybe even for ourselves as a start, and then work our way towards a scalable business model.
Sales: we can be seen as consultants,

Customer relations

Personal relationships are key.

Revenue streams

There are multiple revenue streams. First of all we advise people in buying their communal property, probably for free. When they are interested, we will help them setting up their program of requirements and finding a suitable and right property. This can take a while, so there will be a pool of people waiting for a right property to come. So far, we can be seen as real estate agents, looking for a fee for every sale.
However, the larger part of the revenue will be in buying and leasing out the property OR in developing the property. So we fix the architect, permit, financing and contractor. This is where the risk, and thus the reward, comes in.

Key resources

We need to have very strong contacts within every city we operate in. These connections are one of our most valuable assets, this is how we acquire new developments. Furthermore, we need to be able to design a plan within a day in order to convince the municipality for giving a permit (development). Finally, we have ties with brokers for mortgages.

Key activities

Advisory: we advise you with everything you want and need to know about joining forces with your peers. That how we build up a network of possibly interested people in buying a house together.
Development: for some of the interested people, we help developing a dreamhome from scratch. We take away the permit risk by making a development plan upfront. We use AI and mart sketchup tools to make a developmen plan within one day.
Investment: we will find investors (funds) and a mortgage bank for your dream to come true.

Key partners

real estate agents, architects, engineers, financial advisory, mortage banks, contractors.

Cost structure

Resources: people and network.
Key activities: development → this will be the most expensive part
Partners: investors.

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