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Analytical Volumetric Lighting v1.0

Thank you for purchasing Analytical Volumetric Lighting tool! This documentation should help you better understand all the features available, how they can be used in practice, as well as implementation and architecture ideas applied developing AVL 1.0.

👋 Introduction

Analytical Volumetric Lighting is a post-processing render feature intended to replicate the behavior of the volumetric lighting focusing on high performance and high real-time light count. This is achieved thanks to the analytical approach which makes per-light calculations constant-time. Instead of estimating air light integrals with raymarching, they are calculated precisely.
Screenshot 2023-10-25 202032.png


Due to the specific shader features used by internal AVL shaders, some of the platforms might be incompatible.

✅ Supported Unity Versions


✅ Supported Rendering Paths


✅ Supported Platforms

These are the platforms that have been tested through running all the example scenes:
Windows DX11 (Nvidia / AMD / Intel)
Windows Vulkan
Windows OpenGLCore
Windows OpenGLES 3.2*
Android Vulkan
* - Depth Culling is not supported.

❎ Unsupported Platforms

These are the platforms that have not been tested:
OpenGLES 3.1
Other Mobile Platforms
These are the platforms that have been tested and are not supported:
OpenGLES 3.0 or lower
Any VR Platform


When compared to popular raymarching solutions, analytical approach has its own limitations:

⚠️ Shadow Mapping

Lights cannot cast any shadows of any sort as this is not possible due to the integration becoming too complex.

⚠️ Noise Textures

Lights cannot have noise textures for the same reason - this is not possible due to the integration becoming too complex.

⚠️ Light Blending

AVL uses additive light blending. This is not the most accurate way to account for the volumetric lighting but is quite simple and can be handled using the analytical approach.

⚠️ Transparency

AVL, as for the moment, does not support transparent objects. They will be rendered on-top.

⚙️ First Setup

AVL first setup is quite simple:


Check if your graphics API and platform is supported. Refer to Compatibility section if needed.
Check if Depth Texture is enabled in the URP asset.
Check if Post-processing is enabled in the URP renderer asset.

Render Feature

Add AVL Render Feature in the URP renderer asset.
⚠️ Set up Clustering, Rendering, and Debug shaders. These shaders can be found in “AkiDevCat/AnalyticalVolumetricLighting/Shaders/Passes”.
Set up as needed. Refer to AVL Render Feature section.

Post-Process Volume

Add AkiDevCat/Analytical Volumetric Lighting override.
Set up as needed. Refer to AVL Volume Component section.
Make sure your camera has Post Processing enabled and has your renderer selected.

📃 Documentation

This section describes all of the AVL systems from the user experience standpoint.

AVL Render Feature

AVL Render Feature is required for AVL to take effect in the game and scene view. It should be added as a separate render feature for each of your URP renderers:
Below you can find description for each of the settings parameter:

Rendering Quality

Controls resolution scaling which will be applied during AVL rendering pass. For example, if the screen resolution is 1920x1080 pixels and the rendering quality is 0.5x, then the AVL fog texture resolution will be 960x540 pixels. Recommended to be kept at 0.5x on high-end / mid-end devices with 0.33x or 0.25x on low-end devices.
0.5x Rendering Quality
0.2x Rendering Quality

Enable HDR

Whether or not to use HDR-capable texture format for AVL textures.
HDR Enabled
HDR Disabled

Max Lights

Max light count that can surround camera (not CPU-culled) at the same time. Higher values might increase VRAM usage as well as GPU time.
⚠️ AVL also has MAX_LIGHT_PER_CLUSTER constant defined in Scripts/AVLConstants.cs and Resources/Shaders/Includes/AVLStructs.hlsl. If needed, these constants can be modified. Be sure to modify the constant in both locations.

Max Masks

Max mask count that can surround camera (not CPU-culled) at the same time. Higher values might increase VRAM usage as well as GPU time.
⚠️ AVL also has MAX_MASKS_PER_CLUSTER constant defined in Scripts/AVLConstants.cs and Resources/Shaders/Includes/AVLStructs.hlsl. If needed, these constants can be modified. Be sure to modify the constant in both locations.

Enable Upscaling

Enables AVL fog texture upscaling from its native resolution to the game rendered screen resolution.
Upscaling Enabled
Upscaling Disabled

Enable Depth Culling

Enables depth culling algorithm for the clustered rendering. Allows lights to be culled by camera depth (behind walls) by trading some constant performance. See Clustering Pass for more information.
Depth Culling Enabled (Light Count Overlay)
Depth Culling Disabled (Light Count Overlay)

Culling Cluster Size X / Y

Light cluster count per X / Y screen axis (horizontal / vertical). High values might increase VRAM usage. Low values might increase GPU time. See Clustering Pass for more information.
64x25 Light Clusters

Debug Mode

Enables debug overlay in scene and game views.
None - Overlay is not rendered.
Light Clusters - Checkerboard pattern visualizing light clusters.
Light Overdraw - Overdraw of lights per light cluster.
Light Count - Light count per light cluster.
Volumetric Light - AVL Fog texture.

Debug Opacity

Debug overlay opacity.

AVL Volume Component

In order for AVL to be visible, it is also required to override the post processing volume settings using AVL Volume Component.
Below you can find description for each of the volume settings parameter.

Air Density

Basically, represents a light intensity (brightness) multiplier for each of the light. Low values like 0.02 or 0.03 are usually sufficient.
Air Density 0.01
Air Density 0.03

Fog Density Global

Defines global fog density. AVL global fog is an alternative to the built-in fog feature.
⚠️ As for the moment, AVL global fog does not support transparent objects and will be rendered before transparent objects.
Fog Density 0.0
Fog Density 0.3

Fog Density Per Light Modifier

Defines the multiplication factor for the global density value when used evaluating lights fog density. This can be useful to “slow down” light disappearance compared to other geometry.

Fog Scattering

Defines global fog light scattering. Higher values make volumetric lights scatter (”blur”) by distance.
Fog Scattering 0.015
Fog Scattering 0.0

Fog Color

Defines global fog color.
⚠️ Fog is blended using traditional alpha blending.

Volumetric Light

Volumetric Light component is the core component used by the AVL systems. It acts similarly to the Light component. Volumetric Light component can be connected to the Light component, but this is not required.

Base Light

Base Light component which will be used for settings copy. Might be null.

Copy Settings

Enabled settings sync with the base Light component every frame. This might degrade performance.

Copy From / To Light Component

Copies settings from / to the base Light component.


Volumetric shape used when rendering this light. See Light Shapes section for more information.


Light range used for culling and rendering. Defines how far the light will be visible from its origin.
⚠️ In real world lights do not have max range and contribute to the lighting infinitely according to the inverse square law. Therefore, high range values might appear more realistic but also greatly increase performance impact.

Outer Angle

Spotlight’s outer angle.

Inner Angle

Spotlight’s inner angle. Should be less than Outer Angle.


Area light’s surface rectangle.

Light Appearance

Defines what color mode to use - a color value or a color temperature. This is very similar to the Unity’s Light component.

Color / Filter

Light color / filter used for rendering. In filter mode, temperature color is multiplied by the Filter parameter resulting in visible color.


Light color temperature used for rendering.


Light intensity (brightness) used for rendering. Internally, this value is multiplied by the Air Light parameter.


Light scattering used for rendering. This parameter scatters (“blurs”) lights lowering their visible brightness which can be useful for “fog” areas.

Mask Component

Volumetric Light Mask component which contains this volumetric light. Each light may have only one mask, but each mask may have many lights. See Volumetric Light Mask section for more information.

Distance Culling

Enables light culling by camera distance. Culled lights will not be processed by the GPU.

Soft Culling Distance

Used for distance culling. Defines camera distance at which the light will start slowly disappearing.

Hard Culling Distance

Used for distance culling. Defines camera distance at which the light will be completely culled.

Light Shapes


Represents a punctual light evenly distributed in all directions. The simplest form of a volumetric light (excluding uniform volumes) requiring few calculations.
🟢 Low performance impact

Spot Soft Edge

Represents a spotlight with a soft-edge falloff. Requires the greatest number of calculations to be made per-pixel.
🟡 Medium performance impact

Spot Hard Edge

Represents a spotlight with a hard-edge falloff consisting of two cone lights.
🟡 Medium performance impact

Spot Hard Edge Single

Represents a spotlight with a hard-edge falloff consisting of one cone light. Similar to Point shape but requires extra cone intersection calculations.
🟢 Low performance impact

Area Hard Edge

Represents an area of light defined by the Rect parameter. Very useful for portals, windows, displays.
🟢 Low performance impact

Uniform Box

Represents a uniform box of light. Width (X scale) and height (Y scale) are defined by the Rect parameter. Depth (Z scale) is defined by the Range parameter. Note that they are “radius” values and not “diameter” values.
🟢 Low performance impact

Uniform Sphere

Represents a uniform sphere of light.
🟢 Very Low performance impact

Volumetric Light Mask

Volumetric Light Mask component is an additional AVL component which enclosures volumetric lights inside simple shapes such as OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) or Ellipsoid.
Only one Volumetric Light component can reference only one Volumetric Light Mask component, but many Volumetric Light components can be referenced to the same Volumetric Light Mask component.
Volumetric Light Mask components are visible as scene gizmos when selected.

Mask Shapes


Represents an oriented bounding box (scalable in any direction).


Represents an ellipsoid (scalable in any direction).

🔧 Troubleshooting

Not Working

❔Volumetric Lighting is not visible. ❕Check if your first-time setup is done correctly. Refer to the First Setup section.


❔How can I see the performance impact of AVL? ❕Use Unity’s Profiler. AVL is made to be shown in the profiler correctly.
❔I think I have too many lights in the scene. How can I debug what areas are the densest? ❕Use Light Count debug mode. This will show the light count per cluster in the game & scene view.


❔I can see noise when using soft edge spotlights. ❕This is a known issue. Refer to the Spot Soft Edge section.
❔I can see some blinking happening when I use a lot of lights at the same place. ❕You might be exceeding the max light count per cluster. Use Light Count debug mode if that is the case. Areas having the exceeding light count will be shown strongly pink-colored. The limit can be raised if needed, refer to the Max Lights section.
❔When I use feature [X], it looks off. ❕Please use GitHub issues repository to describe the problem.


❔I have a suggestion! ❕Please use GitHub issues repository to describe the suggestion.

📖 Concepts

Analytical Lighting Overview

Volumetric lighting can be described as a screen-space visual effect based on the property of thick air to interact with visible light rays, creating volumetric shapes of light.
Simply put, this effect can be depicted as a lighting equation for each of the per-pixel camera rays. This equation should be integrated, and result can be used as the final color blended into the camera color texture (camera color target). The integration can happen basically in two ways: raymarching and raytracing.
Traditionally, volumetric lighting is calculated using raymarching technique, which is based on traversing the light ray iteratively. This is a quite simple and straightforward approach which also can be used for complex light equations accounting for shadows and procedural noise. Though, it is also quite computationally heavy.
AVL employs the concept of mathematical analysis, or in other words, raytracing. Instead, lighting equation can be integrated, and no further iterations are needed. This heavily increases the performance as well as fixes some other raymarching problems such as noise filtering and draw distance. But some complex light equations cannot be reasonably integrated.
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