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7-Day Freelance Course 👋
7-Day Email Course

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Day 6

Client Retention: Scale Your Client Base Exponentially

How do you increase your freelance client base naturally? The answer seems pretty clear: develop more and better quality services, right?

That's usually the first thought I hear when I talk to freelancers. And yes, that's part of it. But it's not the whole story.

Here’s the cold hard truth: Your clients will leave you eventually

There is one consistent way to grow your freelance business exponentially, and it's done by winning back clients over and over again.

So how do you do that?

Here's my essential secret for retaining your clients: earn their trust, and they'll pay you forever—

Reiterate the importance of how the project must be delivered on time: you understand how important it is for your clients to stick to their deadlines and hit their milestones.

Map out a long-term plan (for e.g. a 6-month content calendar) for your client: Demonstrate that you care about these issues and are willing to take a proactive approach in helping them meet their goals.

Communicate better: When it comes time for an update or discussion, open up the lines of communication so they know what's going on with their project and how it's coming along.

Passionbits helps you build better communications with your clients—

Focus on one communication platform and save hours of time: chat, send project briefs, proposals, invoices, and other docs – all at one place.

When you first start working with someone new, the early stuff is more important because it sets the tone for future collaboration.

On Day 7, I’ll send you an actionable Roadmap to scale your freelance business to 10 Lac/mo.

See ya tomorrow,
Roshan, CEO at Passionbits

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